The Garden Gift

 Teachers receive many gifts from their school children.  My favorite one and still with me physically and at times filling my mind is a little book given to me on June 9th 1994.  Nicholas Holub, a second grade student has gifted me with pictures and words that have become dear to me.  I thought I would gift you with parts during the week but no...You get the whole book this morning.  

The title is She Who Loves a Garden  Illustrated by Mary Engelbreit

She who loves a garden loves the wonders of creation and appreciates the joy that flowers bring.  She who loves a garden loves the joys of simple living and the peace on which no man can put a price.  

She who loves a garden likes to make the earth more lovely and enjoys the beauty she's contributing.

She who loves a garden has a reverence for all creatures, from endangered whales cavorting in the sea, to the warm and furry friends that make their home within the forests, and the songbirds nesting high within the trees. 

She who loves a garden learns the lessons of the seasons and how life itself adheres to nature's plan that  from every winter sleep there comes a wonderful awakening holding promise as it has since time began. 

She who loves a garden knows it's only hers to borrow.   That the tender care she puts into the soil helps the children of tomorrow carry on what she has started, giving strength and lasting value to her toil. 

She who loves a garden has a very special treasure...for she has found her private paradise. 

The illustrations are crammed full of other little sayings.  

Who penned these words is not identified.  But they have made all the difference.  The illustrations are some that consumed many hours enjoying hidden details.  It's a tiny book and I still find it available on line.  

Today is church day.  Another day given to express thanksgiving for the life given to us through Jesus and the life that has been mind for quite a while.  

Now those words about the whale.  On a mission trip to Alaska with other North friends, we were gifted to see a whale cavorting in the ocean leaping completely from the water.   It was a huge eye opener for this land locked Indiana girl.  Another one of those memories not to be forgotten.  Blessings abound.  


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