NOVEMBER 1, 2021

 A much anticipated day is here.  This morning's scrambled eggs and coffee with crossword puzzles have come and gone.  I did a bit of stitching and then decided that it was time to pull some of the Lantana and get the crocus in the ground.  Done.  The time arrived to motor on over to I U North again just 10 minutes away.  And I did while singing songs learned in church like I am thine, Oh, Lord, Beloved Let us Love one another and more. remembering the goodness and grace given and with tears of appreciation and a happy heart. Arrival time 10:30 I would add that I U North probably along with perhaps other hospitals the most loving Cancer Center employees that nourish the soul.  How fortunate to be with kind, loving healers during a time where answers take the time they take.  For me, no words are really adequate enough to express what I feel every time I need to be with these healers.    They are a gift from God in a great time of need.  

So these healers proceeded to insert a needle to draw blood, inject dye, and then get me comfortable once again on the scanning machine. That procedure is hard to explain and I'll just leave it to your imagination.  Three times in and out of the scanner.  Lots of medication to numb my breast and seven core biopsies were collected.  A chip to mark the problem location and a mammogram were completed and I was free to go.  I feel great with a little soreness going on and staying ahead of the pain at this point.  

I asked a few questions about why my appointment was scheduled so far ahead. The answer being that the radiology department only does one of these a week because so many people need to be involved with the process which takes some time to complete.  

There is a strong possibility that I should have some information by the end of the week.  Great news.  I'm feeling comfortable whatever that may be.  

This afternoon is more stitching, watching TV, taking flower pictures knowing that tonight or rather tomorrow morning there could be frost.  My garden friends could be gone till next spring but they will return.  In the meantime, their memories will linger on in the camera.  How fortunate.  

For the first time, this year annual swamp milkweed was planted in the garden.  Below are the tiny flowers that are showing their beauty.  The perennial swamp milkweed is long gone.  Such pretty tiny flowers.  I hope I can find this plant next spring.  It's a great one summer keeper.  

So the beat goes on.  

I must add that after the mammogram, I listened to at-home instructions and then proceeded to get dressed.  I'm always ready to start whatever needs to be hospital done but then I just can't wait to leave after I get the all-over signal.  Today I came home with the devices left in my arm to insert dye and draw blood.  It was covered up with my shirt I forgot it and it didn't bother me at all.  My solution was to just take it out at home.  Doug didn't agree so back I went to the hospital.  I happened to meet the nurse in the hall who was with me during radiation and she removed it for me.  What a way to have a need met and a visit with another one of those healers I happened to have in my basket of IU North friends.  

God has been good.  


  1. A wave of goodness when needed!

  2. Love you, dear neighbor. Only the best for my loyal friend. SJ

  3. So happy to hear that you have caring people at the hospital.... that makes all the difference.
    Kristen is so kind and caring with her patients... I get feedback from so many people. Will show her your blog from today to let her see how she comforts her patients means to them. How it helps them during difficult times.


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