Rise and shine!

 A message to Adam this morning which he might have read by now or not.  Adam is an early riser.  We'll see if a message comes through.  I love to text all my grandsons.  For an unknown reason,  I'll take it,  lots of sleep last night.  Woo...that's really a new thing for me.  All the morning stuff has been finished including removing the ice from the birdbath. The birdbath this year is just outside the kitchen window.   It's interesting to see how many birds come for a drink and even a bath on a freezing morning.  The bluebird lets me know in uncertain terms that the ice needs to go.  Smart bird.  

Votives are finished, all 30 are ready to go back to church to use in the huge advent candles.  I wanted a few more glass holders so shopping I went.  They tend to get broken over time.  I couldn't find one at Hobby Lobby where I bought what we have a few years ago.  Not one.  Same at Joann's and another store I stopped at.  My guess...on a ship in the Pacific! Today I'll check at Pier One.    We have three good ones and one cracked and we could use at least 5 cracked or good.  We will make this work!

Waffles last night for supper.  Not such a good idea.  Used Applesauce to help to swallow.  Still trying but I'm happy to let waffles off the to-do list of eating options.  The same old same old gets a bit boring.  

Today should be the last effort to get what goes to Georgia ready.  Michigan family times are coming Yahoo.  It's great to have the Eric family close, They keep me thinking.  I miss the Michigan family.   I have some computer fixing for Kimmy.  Not much but some.  I know she can do it. She has in the past.  A few days together will fix the missed.   

Sun is up, the day is ready for whatever the day will bring.  Bring it on.  


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