Sunday All Day!

 Another great morning at church remembering those who have gone before us.  This is All Saints Sunday in many churches.  It was a meaningful service of honor.  Kate sang such an interesting 23rd Psalm solo.  It brought me to tears as music does these days.  When notes and words mesh together they have a way of finding that soft quiet place within.    Those are so many times when memory takes me back to the beginning of the year reminding me that I have not walked this strange journey through cancer along.  So church was good.  It's a beautiful afternoon with low 60's, the sun is shining, and the trees with their colorful dress are spectacularly beautiful.  I did a quick stop to JoAnn's that will allow a finish to my stitching.  JoAnn's usually is PACKED with folks and I try to avoid Sunday buying. such thing.  In and out in a matter of minutes.  

Later, the afternoon will be a time to reconnect with good Umoja friends from many churches in the Indianapolis area.  Dinner at 5, silent auction in place the entire evening, speakers along with Kenyan food.  Time to say good by to Leonard who works across the pond in Kenya shepherding 1000's of children along with other adults through the Umoja Project and on to what will be a better life for these young folks.  

I am honored to be a part of this project.  Tonight, it's a pleasure to be in that space with no work assignments.  I'm celebrating!


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