The day named Friday.

 Another week is almost over.  One week seems to be chasing the next one.  There have been many chases in my life thus far.  And the week to come will certainly chase this one away as well.  Curiosity demanded that I calculate approximately how many that might be.  4,316 is a close number.  More to come.  My life flows on in endless song again and again.  

This morning was an early morning trip to the lab at IU North for fasting blood work.  With thanksgiving Dr. Baker keeps looking for that so said needle in a haystack.  I like doctors to be proactive.  It keeps me sane.  It's just so commendable that I U decided to build a hospital at our back door. Wasn't that nice!!!   The hour after the blood poke was spent at Penske Honda getting the car serviced for the trip south.  They found no needles in their haystack.  So little by little, we'll be ready for the trip.  There is still much to do here before we leave.  

The big project is getting the church decorated before we go.  Something new this year is the invitation to the congregation to be a part of that process Sunday, Nov. 21 after the second service.  That demands that I and my crew must be organized and ready.  It's not a good look to invite and not be ready.  The team is meeting Sunday to talk and again on Thursday to prepare.  I think it will be a crazy Nov. 21 but then the Covid years have also seen some very unusual changes.  My prayer is that those who volunteer will feel that they have made a contribution and those who direct will also have success.  

This afternoon I will be checking the works sheets prepared, looking to clarify instructions and discovering any omissions.  There are five of us ready and willing to carry on with the volunteers who will be needing some guidance. 

The second big project is checking over the food shopping list for Georgia.  That will wait for a time when the mind can gather around family.  

So much to do and it would seem so little time to do it in.  So goodbye to you for the day.  


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