Things to do.

 It's a do day.  The big do this morning was preparation at church for All Saints Day Sunday.  It's also communion Sunday, the first Sunday of the month as well as emphasis on the Umoja Project, a mission project directed to the children of western Kenya.  So...much to celebrate.  

The worker bees that surrounded me this morning were great.  Sand in basins, candles planted in the sand and distributed through out the sanctuary.  All 13 stations ready for people to remember those who have died this year by lighting a candle as well as spending a moment of reflection.  It's always a time of saint remembering. Time that our church folks feel a healing touch. 

Then home and the sewing machine is once again humming along.  Just another afternoon of thinking and planning and than thinking again.  But I must admit that the best ideas come in the middle of the night when my thinker is going 100 miles per hr. at least.  Guess it's that quiet time when the body is still and the mind is just moving along.  So this afternoon it's a whole bunch of do time.  

Garden clean up continues again with just a bit of gathering.  Maybe tomorrow could be bulb planting and dahlia digging time. One goes in and one comes out.  Call it the changing of the guard. 

A pretty dianthus still doing it's thing.  It's is surrounded with thyme..  

Yes it's a moment in thyme still doing it's best even with another heavy frost this morning.  I would imagine it will be the last to tuck it's self in for the winter and one of the first to be seen next spring.  Just a hardy little friend.  

So something still hang on trying to ignore the fact that cold weather is not to far away.  


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