Thurs after Wed. As usually happens.

 Nothing special about that title.  Just marking the fact that it's happened once again and I think probably will happen again.  I think I'm catching on to the plan.  Yesterday afternoon at the PT event that almost didn't happen, I was handed my assignment sheet.  I'll spare you the story. The plan is to keep the ship afloat, the train on the tracks and the plane in the air sort of thing that needs a bit of practice just like a whole lot of other things.  I have a homework  plan to accomplish with sessions through January meeting with Michael whose proficiencies include vestibular corrections.  What a gift that will be.  Dizzy is not helpful to staying afloat, on the tracks, or in the air.  

Wed. is one of my favorite days of the week.  I can't believe I forgot to write about it yesterday.  But I did!  It's senior discount day at Goodwill.  That's the best excuse I can think of to take a walk through a few stores.  Yesterday there were only three that I happened to be near. I left things in the store I could use but didn't need. A  pair of really nice black church slacks in a smaller size is waiting to be hemmed.  A pair of Mary Jane shoes came home with plenty of wear left in them.  The unexpected but reality check tells me that my clothes in the closet are the wrong size.  So I shop.  I'm acquainted with big.  That doesn't work all that well for now.  

Today should be a quiet day at home.  We might see a few more Shaard pretzels on the counter.  I think the choir folks would really like them.  Yes, once again it's choir night with Christmas music. Yeah!  


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