A cloudy cold day.

 But I sang oh, what a beautiful morning...  all the way to Soup Kitchen at church.  Beautiful because I woke up in my own bed, took my own shower, made my own breakfast, fed my own birds visiting with a total of  6 Bluebirds at the feeder and birdbath at the same time. I call that a congregation of frequent fliers as the crossword puzzle said this morning.  Last but not least, the LR heart electrical system was pulsing as intended.   I'm sure you all get the idea.  My body once again is letting me be my own person.  What a blessing and I count myself among the grateful once again.  Yes, grateful for God in the hands of the doctors and nurses.  It's just also plain old-fashioned thankfulness for allowing me to live where medicine can solve problems that are sure to come.  

Soup kitchen was a busy place this morning with lots of workers preparing food for our neighborhood guests.  It was a holly jolly time or something like that.  I love working in this mission endeaver.   Heidi and I spruced up the sanctuary once again ready for services tomorrow.  So the afternoon is mine to do.  It's basketball and football time in the neighborhood!  Surprises to come I'm sure.  

Today the pictures are a bit random.  A little of this and that, one might say.   

And here is Mr. Downy having a snack.  If snacking is the case then Mr. never eats.  He just snacks.  I never see him on the sunflower feeders.  

He and the Mrs. are great suet eaters along with the Flicker and Red-Bellied Woodpecker.  

They also share with other birds.  Suet is much loved all year long by all.  

A view of Jared and Kimmy Russell's backyard.  

All the plants seen here had their beginning in our backyard.  Sharing plants brings a whole list of memories not easily forgotten.  

Knowing that other family members' gardening skills are growing has a great feeling of common interests.  

There are more plants in other areas as well.  

So once again, gratitude abounds for many, many reasons.  I would add family to the list.  

Blessings all mine and ten thousand beside.  Great is thy Faithfulness, new mercies I see.  All I have needed Thy hand has provided.  



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