It's the truth!

 Yesterday, Doug found me in the garden with a hoe.  Yup...obsessive is the word!  I was checking things out and decided that the warm sun had thawed just the very top of the dirt.   That hoe was a huge helper in scraping out weeds that just seem to enjoy cold weather.  They are green and really pretty but will not be allowed in the garden on any occasion, summer or winter.  So I scraped them off their foundations.  I did a garden walk this morning with a coffee cup in hand and soon I will rake them to a place they can not reattach in any way.  I think that's a first for January gardening for me.  Wasn't bad I would add.  

More books from the library are stashed beside the rocker.  Some gardens look like Indiana gardens, some look like Arizona gardens.  So different but interesting.  I would say Indiana gardens are still my favorite.  

If you need a tease or just because I like to be reminded of the green that's coming, here is a picture of my favorite hosta, Sum And Substance.  This  6 ft wide GIANT is sleeping right now but promises to be seen again this summer.  I gave one of these to Jared and Kimmy last summer. Theirs had two leaves.  Watch out, the Giant is sleeping and then it creeps and then it leaps.  I would think theirs might be close to leaping this summer knowing their amount of sandy soil, opposed to our CLAY.   

A few years ago I gave Doug the assignment of standing over this plant with an umbrella if any hail came our way.  He took the challenge but never had to use that challenge.  Lucky for him. 

This little gem is a cosmos flower 
that seeds itself every year.  The plants appear
a bit late in the season and are easy to destroy if
not identified for safekeeping.  Packets of seeds can be found 
in the seed racks.  My, how I love to buy seeds.  
They are miracles waiting to happen.  
The PT session was canceled by the teacher.  Choir practice was the first for the new year.  Such a great time again with friends.  We did hear about a lot of sicknesses that are happening within our fellowship.  So prayers for Debbie, a long-time fighter of cancer once again hospitalized, Sharon, a victim of way to many falls, leading to headaches needing time to heal again and three covid impacted members, just to name a few.  
Prayer time included continued healing for Doug and me as well.  Choir time is when I feel brick by brick, prayer by prayer our foundation in God becomes one that nothing can shake.  We continue to pray with words found in our singing scores.  

Our first song to rehearse last night was Lord, Here Am I by John Ness Beck.  The second verse includes these words,  Only support me with grace in my need.  Those words are "heart" words for me.  Those words, so important in what has been, will continue to be with me.  And my prayer is that they will be with you also.  


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