MLK Day.

 A little of this and a  little of that for the day.  The usual morning starts with coffee and 2 scrambled eggs with a touch of sour cream and horseradish!  Yum, yum.  Then on to the birds.  Their morning starts with a thaw of their water and them yum, yum Bluebird mealworms with sunflower seeds tossed on the ground for Junco's. .  Busy morning and I missed the bluebird visit but they didn't miss the mealworm breakfast.  Twice I filled the cup and then "magically" it disappeared.  The squirrels were sunflower eaters.  

Then there was a quick visit to JoAnn's for a scrap of brown flannel to do a pant repair for my church friend Joe.  He keeps me busy now and then and I'm just happy to help along.  This was a very simple repair.  I hope it works for him.  

An interesting phone call this morning with a colonoscopy P A  nurse made me set a date for an exam.  Let me add there are no red flags.   My new Primary Doctors says my age exempts me from that experience. But...given the surprises of this past year, and wondering if there are any loose breast cancer cells roaming as Dr. Schneider now thinks landed on my head, my decision is to go through the rather unpleasant but I  feel necessary experience.  Once again, no red flags but the last exam was 5 years ago.  It's time. Doug's exam is this coming Thurs.  The nurse P A recommends exams for "OLD" people if they continue to be active and able to do the prep.  This paragraph might be called TOO much information for some.  I  agree.  

I need to make my yearly eye exam.  Being diabetic warrants that.  Woo.  Maybe for March.  Feb. seems to be filling up. This body is demanding attention.  

No big plans for the rest of the day.  It's one of those KISS days.  Keep it simple sweetie.    


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