Really, really cold.

 Yup, cold and NO snow to speak of yet.  I think the neighbor girl made a couple of snowmen when we had about two inches of snow that lasted two minutes.  So my little snowmen waiting on the steps remind me of snow fun.  Shoveling around them is no problem.  This is a collection that came from Goodwill.  What a gift!  

This winter the house is warm.  Our old furnace wore out long before we replaced it with temperatures outside at 1 degree as they are this morning allowing the house to be around 60 at the most the last few years  This morning the house is a toasty 68 degrees.  It's something about an improved boiler that is such a gift.  Well, not a gift.  We're paying for it!!!  

Yesterday's session at PT went well.  Michael's routine was a bit easier.  I've done some googling on balance changes and aging.  They seem to go together...OOPS...not seem...They do go together.  Some important parts making good balance possible just wear out with use. Believe me, I've been a user. I'm not a good ager and need to change my thought process.  What a bummer. I am very grateful for Michael's help with vertigo.  That has decided for the present not to be present.  

Another easy day with a few things to do.  Might start to switch some rooms moving furniture. It will take some effort but I think will make better use of space.  Might take me a couple of days!!!  Maybe not.  

So today, Thanksgiving for energy, a good mind, and having a husband close by.  It's all very good.  


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