It's back
I took the time and the sun has come up or in other words, the pictures will be back. Today was the day and besides, I heard a few of you and decided that it was time for a change. One thing that did a little pushing on my side is that a few things are popping out of the ground. I saw two tiny, tiny little parsley plants up. I planted them a couple of weeks ago. Parsley takes forever but can stand really cold temperatures. Then yesterday I found the bluebells so that's exciting. Today I planted two kinds of lettuce. Time will tell if it's to early. Flowers blooming...miniature jonquils, crocus, lenten roses, and a few pansies from Rosie's. Blue and Yellow!
Big treat for supper. I did some grocery shopping after a long time away from the store and decided it was pie time but just too lazy to cut up apples or make the filling whatever it might be. So a can of sour cherry pie filling went in the cart. Looks good, smells good and Doug is itching to try it.
This week the weather has been just the best for outdoor living. So I did. There is always something to do in the yard but yesterday it was take care of the house day for part of the hours. Long ago ivy grew up on the house. It's been gone but what has remained are the little dead left overs that ivy produces. So...the job was to wire brush the brick which I did. body was not happy. So today I'm being mindful of that giving it another day of some rest. I pulled just a smidgen of Charley today, put piles of dead stuff in the garbage cans that was gathered yesterday and took the computer to the fixit shop and we're in a better place. Thank goodness for that. I just need a few more hours of sense I'll work on that.
Love seeing pictures again. Beautiful flowers and yummy looking pie!