Never give up.
That's what I call the sparrows when it comes to building nests in the bluebird houses. They never give up. Persistence and hormones keep them going. I can pull at least two big beginnings of a nest found in the box during any given morning. I don't know a good answer to change their behavior so I just keep pulling nests hoping that the fisty bluebird will take over my job. In some respects I'm happy to see the bluebirds still out and about because baby bluebirds need protein bugs in their diet. It's cold so no bugs yet. Yesterday we made a trip to Wild Birds to get guards for the birdhouse holes. Old houses grow holes bigger than bluebirds like. It also guards against bigger birds entering a house and destroying eggs and babies. Last summer the Cowbird did just that. This box has a protective ring around the hole.
Walks through the garden tell me that some plants are waking up. The Bluebells continue to fill in spaces with more to come. They are such early birds of the plant variety. They bring hope to the garden. I've also seen little red points of the False Salamon Seal showing. The Bergman will be thick with blooms. I plan to send some of that
plant to the Michigan garden we dug last summer. The Celandine Poppies are up and about as well. So...HOPE abounds. There is a splash of surprises every day.
That's a neat bird hole guard. Looks great and will do the job nicely! I'm excited for your fun time with those Michigan Russells. Looks like they will be eating good!