Wake up.

 It seems that I needed a brain to wake up Saturday morning.  It lost its focus when it forgot to go to Bread and Bowl.  Dah!  I really would have preferred working there instead of what I did.  We have a lawn service for weeds and fertilizing.  The dandelion weeds were in the process of dying but not fast enough for me.  So I spent the morning with the shovel doing dandelion.  Some of the results!  

The can is not full to the bottom.  That would be a killer which it came close to but there is a healthy amount to be sure that is all dandelion.  The yard is green again.  

Thinking birds and trying to find out when the orioles are arriving I've done a bit of research by Siri.  May is the word but if there are a lot of warm days they could come sooner.  This next week should be a warm one so I'm looking for the scouts.  It's oranges and cheap jelly.  There is a place for sweet water in the feeder but I will wait for that.  Neighbor Judy will join me with her feeder.

The plants that were moved got a drink today.  I checked on the Jack in the Pulpit which my church friend calls Jill...  And Jack or Jill got a photo shot.  

J in the Pulpit is near a large chunk of Doug's cave rock.  J is easier to find with that marker.  This afternoon I freshened a pot that is outside on the patio during winter and summer. This pot is ready for the world once again.

I went to Rosie's garden shop this afternoon for a Calibrachoa.  It's a tough little flower that bloomed the whole summer last year.  I had a yellow one that will rebloom soon and added a red and yellow Calibrachoa to the pot along with a vinca vine.  It's going to be protected until the frost date passes.  Rosie was bursting at the seams with people.  Planting annuals in April is risky.  I'll wait till the May frost date either the 10th or 15th...Something close to that. 

So the days continue and the nights bring what is hoped a body that that is renewed for another day.  Well, a good half-day at least!  Maybe three quarters. But renewed.  I'll take whatever comes my way. 


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