A Great Saturday.

 Yes...it's been a great Saturday. I love days when they just happen.    The morning was filled with working at Bread and Bowl, providing a carryout lunch for those who come to our church door.  I love that program, first working with other church folks and then visiting with the community folks.

The rest of the day just happened with no big plan.  Just a little of this and that.  I decided to clear the ground cover around one of our very tall and very old Norway Spruce.  I hate seeing ivy and euonymus climb the tree. This job should not need to be repeated for a while.  Just another hour of almost standing on my head with clippers in hand pulling the ground cover and stretching hamstrings almost beyond their stretchability.  Done! The tree is free!

A stop at Krogers on my way home from church for a Grape Jelly purchase assures me that the Orioles will have food on the table for a long while.  They continue to visit more than once a day.  The Catbird is often seen at the feeder.  

I did a bit of ground fluffing and transplanted some Cleome, It looks like other flower plants are ready for their transplant.  Two more plants were potted for the Michigan adventure.  

This is cilantro now three feet tall with flowers.   The seeds from the cilantro plant are called coriander.  They will self-seed and make cilantro which I love in soup. The smell of the leaves is not so desirable but the taste...Yum, yum. 

I should have reported first that the cycle of chipmunk trapping continued with another clang of the trapdoors.  The string of success continues with no days left untrapped since it all began on Tuesday.  


The Mock Orange bush is beautiful.  The white of the flowers with many peddles is such a clean warm color.  My parent's wedding was on June 12th and their flowers were Mock Orange with Peonies.  I have both and they are so beautiful this time of year. Both flowers are also a welcome memory of my growing up years finding both of these plants in my parent's yard.  


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