
 I got up early...very early perhaps around 3:30...just could not sleep so I got up.  Some nights are like that.  Watched TV, did wordle and the morning arrived with two eggs and coffee as usual.  Did a walk around the garden greeting the cucumbers, tomatoes, and pepper plants.  The eight cabbage appear to be eager to grow. The row of basil plants is becoming better defined along with the red beet and radish row.   The lettuce and chives for Thursday's supper were delicious.  Yum.  

The spider plant is showing beautiful clean white flowers.  There also is a purple flowering spider plant as well as a spider plant producing burgandy-colored flowers.  

Then off to church for a final rehearsal with tomorrow's music. The final fix was done with visuals and there is a good feeling that tomorrow will come together for many who will worship with us. 

           There is a bird sitting in the birdbath.  It would seem that the             birdbath has turned into a little guy from Brazil. I'll fix that.  

The afternoon was a bit slow (might I be needing sleep) with a bit of fluffing the dirt, and transplanting some volunteer tomatoes along with dill volunteers.  We'll see what the tomato output will produce.  I've never transplanted volunteers so this is a first.  It's a shot in the dark. 

I made a coffee cake to share with choir members between services.  It's a great time of fellowship.  Something we don't do a whole lot of while preparing music each week.  That's work time!  It will be talk, eat, talk, eat and do it all over again sliding it down with coffee made by the coffee man, Doug.  We're singing at both services.  

The yearly plant sale will go on all morning and there is a carry in box lunch reported to serve about one hundred church folks who made reservations.  The morning promises to be one of celebration of all things good given to us.

Our three musical offerings to God our audience. 

For the Beauty of the Earth 

For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the sky, for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies. Lord of all to thee we raise our joyful hymn of praise.    J. Rutter

Sing for the Earth

Refrain...The Lord has birthed a brand new day, lift your eyes and give God praise, sing with all your voices for the earth!

Moon and stars, the heavens you have made them.  Wind and air, so precious and so pure.  Rain that falls to nourish all that's given us.  Renew our hearts to guard our treasured home!  Refrain

Let love and wisdom guide our actions.  Inspire us to walk in steps of life.  Help us consider the future of our children.  The world is a reflection of ourselves!  Refrain.  G. Gilpin

Go Out in Joy!

Joy! Go out in joy!  You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you.  Go out in joy! 

And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.                    Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, instead of the briers the myrtle will grow.  This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign that will endure forever and ever!  

M. Bussewitz-Quarm

The second and third anthems were commissioned for this Sunday time of worship. 


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