A do nothing day!

 The first of many flowers this hibiscus plant will pretty the garden with in the coming month.  

One of those do nothing days comes around once a year.  It also goes by the name of Birthday Day.  That's what Wednesday was.  Yes, another year older.  Cards were on the table with one being a picture of a squirrel to remind me of the squirrels and chipmunks caught this summer.  Did I need a reminder?  A big loud no!   Leave it to Doug to find a zinger! 

The trap was empty for about a week, but Doug took another friend to the woods to nights ago.  

I did do some sweeping in the morning  That was the end of work for me!.   I did a bit of Goodwill shopping.  Mostly looking I'll admit with one exception.  A sleeveless top is in the drawer. .  My drawers are full of clothes so why buy more.  I should be donating.  

Another pretty zinnia.

The only other thing that happened was a trip to Steak and Shake for supper.  We used a gift card which was even better.  Our neighbor treated us.  I must admit that Steak and Shake doesn't hold the allure that it once did.  Some radiation changes in my throat have made swallowing a bit difficult with some food such as hamburgers.  A small price to pay for a body free from cancer.  I'll take it!   

So a do nothing day is a good thing once in a while.  Today it happened.  Happy Birthday to me!!!! A huge thank you for all the good wishes from my Facebook friends.  Thursday is back to thinking Mich.  

The end of the day was rewarded with a wonderful at least 30-minute rain.  That's a gift I love receiving.  No need to water even the neediest of flowers.  A wonderful cool-down was a part of the gift.  Rain drops keep falling on my head.  It feels sooooooo good.  


  1. Ah, yes, July 13 and July 26. Memorable days! If I can remember . . .

    Happy birthday, late and early, Doug and Lela!

  2. It's not over quite yet. Your neighbor to the South has a contribution to make today in order to string out those birthdays for you and Doug. Yes, that evening rain was the best Birthday gift of all, I agree!
    Lela, I sent you another birthday concert. Check your e-mail, lady if you haven't already. SJ

  3. Happy Birthday to both of you dear people. Great post!


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