

Today’s gift is one of those wonderfully clear days in Copper Harbor.  The air was fresh with a wonderful lake breeze, the sun was just everywhere and the sky so blue.  Little white caps bounced on Lake Fanny Hoe.  Just a lovely gift to be noticed and enjoyed.  Then add low humidity with high 60’s temperatures is just about perfect.

Of course, the morning started with pancakes with the Mich. R’s this time with no rain.  The bottle of pure home-grown Maple syrup gifted by a generous neighbor camper is nearing its end. 

The day seems to have similarities to what has already occurred.  Yes, reading and sleeping.  Wordle unlike Thursdays which was solved at 8:30 PM was finished by 10:00 am. 

Lunch was around 1 with the book of the day being Farm City, The Education of an Urban Farmer. 

In one of the blogs, I mentioned that the car was parked on Sunday and not moved which led to today’s discovery that the battery was dead.  Jared jumped the car and we are back in business, meaning we need to move a little more than we have since arriving. 

Today's little jaunt was a trip to the dock to see the boat from isle Royal arrive back in Copper Harbor with tired-looking hikers who had been on the island for a time.  A good church friend of the grandsons led a group of kids on their 4-day excursion to the island.  Their trip was reported to be successful although there were plenty of blisters on one kid’s foot resulting from hiking with wet boots.  Yes, they also had some wet days The evening was spent around the fire again enjoying a peaceful evening.  


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