It's starting. Vacation.


Expensive but we're on vacation.  All good sense leaves and we're enjoying a little of this treat each night even if it comes from Chili.  Vacationers seem to loose their minds from time to time.  

Wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.  We were up around 7 am ready for the day.  The kids were meeting a friend who was going to Isle Royal.  They missed seeing them because they were confused about where the dock was.  How could that happen? How many years have they been coming to C. H. ?  17  They returned on their bikes and we had a great pancake breakfast.  The talk lasted for a long time.

Doug and I stayed around the campsite all day reading and sleeping.   His selection, Garfield was provided by Adam and I’m reading Bee People.  It’s all about taking care of bees. 

In the afternoon the Mich. R’s went swimming at Great Sand Bay with the report that the water was COLD.  That’s what Superior is.  Cold.  The sun helped to keep us warm during the day.  

There is a new to me card game, Skip Bo that the Michigan R’s are attempting to teach me.  One needs to watch everyone’s cards.  It’s taking a bit of concentration.  We played in the morning and late afternoon which swallows a lot of time.  Grr…I’ll get it eventually. 

Supper was a salad and a little of our smoked salmon.  Yum, yum. More of that to come.  Another game of Skip Bo.  Bed time when it got dark.  10:15

Rain is expected tonight.  

I'm finding that downloading pictures takes a long time.  So there will be fewer while we are at CH.


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