Monday Wash Day?

 That was the case at our house.  Tues. Ironing Wed. Get ready for Thurs.  Thurs. Peddling eggs, chickens, and veg. to first-generation Serbian immigrants, and more who had employment in the steel factories of Canton, Ohio.  Fri. Baking and Saturday house cleaning and a bath.  Lots of gardening, canning, and freezing in between.  

Monday for me was thinking about what and where spring planting would happen.  That meant finding room for zinnias.  Many black-eyed ladies took a walk to the garbage can.  There's more room for other stuff.  B.Eyed Susans multiply like-wise like rabbits.

Last night neighbor Rodi brought over two huge bags of pine needles.  Since some beds were pretty well thinned out and ready for April, I spread the two huge bags and then brought the third one home   Got to love those needles.

I mulched the path.  Looks like Robert. Frost might have walked by. Three flower beds were also mulched.  

                                One more fall job was completed. This area contains the hosta bed.   

Another beautiful day gave me all the reasons I needed to work outside.  Our three big blues are full.  Judy had an empty one this week that gave me all the room I needed. I'm ready for winter but moving on to spring.  Tomorrow afternoon should be rainy so the hope is that I'll be baking cookies in the afternoon. I just might give myself shovel a time out. 
                                One lonely calendula left in the garden gets all the attention.    

Bragging Grandma time.  So happy to see music continues to be enjoyed in the Russell grandsons.
                    Jacob and his little brother Eli who is soon to be taller than his big brother.                                   The middle brother Adam was a trombone player at one point but now he's a soccer player.      That is when he once again is headache free.  It's still a problem with a neurologist appointment in Dec.

Jacob was selected to play in the Central Michigan University honors band this coming Sunday along with 53 Central Michigan High School students.  Today he found out that he will be sitting in the first-chair clarinet position.   There is a Saturday rehearsal and then the program Sunday evening.                              These saxophone instruments get these two brothers into Jazz band for the winter months.  


  1. Wow sounds like a busy day of musical plants. what song played as you moved plants... when it ended did you have to sit down in the garden? Winter is coming put the plants to bed and go inside. --Jared


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