
 Sunday started early with the alarm clock.  Church time was no later than 8 am.  We left the house around 7:10 knowing that the choir expected a coffee break between services, which meant Doug needed to get in on the action.  He's the go-to guy for any coffee job.  Rehearsal started at 8 and church at 8:30.  Then the break between services and back at it at 11.  Great music Great sermon all with the hope that the finance drive is successful.  In the afternoon the church's annual Trunk or Treat happened rain or shine.  The rain version happened inviting the children to T and T inside. 

                                Eric, Noah, Kat and Andrew with a Where's Waldo theme.                                                                     It was Trunk or Treat inside the church version for 2022 Halloween

The rest of the day was s l o w and cloudy with occasional showers.  So a quiet Sunday afternoon with football among other things.  The Colts lost by a touchdown in the last 30 seconds of the game.  Our neighbor Bill left two brownies on the patio.  Yum, Yum.  
                                                            After the sad the happy.

I did a little reading about Christmas Cactus which really are not cacti. There are Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter varieties all with different shaped greenery..  Mine has the shapes that make it a Christmas for sure.  Looking soon for buds.  I read that this plant needs 14 hours of darkness to bloom. 

                                               It's had a great summer of growth on the patio.                                                                                        I'm looking forward to some flower power this fall.  

Jacob had his weekend of music playing with the Central Michigan Honors Band playing at Central Michigan University.  

                                                        One of Jacob's senior pictures.  

More football in the evening snuggled up in my electric throw that's been around since the tumor surgery.  I love that little blanket.  Last night's sleeping hours were slim.  I googled and found that the heart medicine I'm taking is a big part of the why question.  Looking forward to a conversation with the doctor in December.  More than an average of 4 or 5 hours a night would be great.  


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