
Lots of rain this morning but when the break came I walked the garden noticing the beautiful leaves that now have designed a new carpet.  So many colors and shapes.  They are beautiful.  

The dogwood leaves are painted many colors.  Tiny white buds are waiting for warmer days to explode into beautiful flowers.  

I took another look through the recipe book that was put together by women in my childhood church.  The names are still familiar although many have moved on to their eternal home.  Today was another Alta recipe this time Banana Bread.  My pans are a bit smaller than Alta suggested so I poured two loaves instead of one.  Andrew and Noah took care of one of the loves.  Another Wed. surprise for them.  The last neighbor awaiting apple dumplings got a delivery.  It was a busy baking morning.  The rain that started last night continued until almost noon..  I could hear a sigh of relief coming from the garden. Those that were transplanted showed spunk and vigor.  


Later in the morning, I ordered 100 seed envelopes for all the zinnia seeds waiting to be bagged on the dining room table.  I expect them to arrive in about 2 weeks.  That was the case with the last order when 200 were ordered. Slow and easy seems to be the route. No hurry though,  They say spring is way in the future.  Sad! 

Today felt like chicken vegetable soup weather with carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, and garlic, Chicken Better than Bouillon along with the real chicken. I had been out of barley for some time so off to the store for a box of barley.  Five grocery stores later I found barley and purchased 2 boxes that could last through the winter. Got to have my barley.  I almost shouted EUREKA in the middle of the aisle at Meijers. when I spotted these boxes.

I stopped at the house plant area at Meijers to look over the succulents.  I found a bargain so it came home with me.  I need to do a little transplanting tomorrow.  Should be fun. 

The sun came out in the afternoon and the birds had a party with all invited to the feeder.  There is such an exciting family of birds all taking turns with all being fed.  They continue to entertain.  

The gathering this afternoon was huge with many friends in attendance..  The after-supper diners included only the chickadees singing their little peep songs flying in and out as busy as ever.  


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