Brutal Friday

                                                        Lots of Downys at the feeder today.
Thinking weather this time.  It was a brutal Friday like most of the U S  Double the clothing and wearing a hat.  Washing dishes was a great exercise.  The paper was nowhere to be found.  It may come tomorrow. .Most understandable so the morning's work didn't take so long.  The warm bowl of oatmeal tasted wonderful.  

                            The red bellied woodpecker even though the red head looks very faded.  

Today's bird count was slim.  I thawed the birdbath water which stayed that way for long than I imagined.  From time to time we had birds with feathers in disarray fluffed to the maximum.  Funny birds.  The Caroline Wren really had a very difficult time with the wind.  He's is so tiny and almost seemed to get blown away while eating. 

This was the starling with one leg that was entirely useless.  You can see the claw part hanging.  He had such a hard time hanging on the suet but he persisted.  No one got chased from the feeder today.  It was survival of the fittest.  

I needed a project and remembered that there were some leftover pie pumpkins that had been on the thanksgiving altar at church still sitting in the garage.  Never having fixed pumpkins from scratch I tackled the job.  I microwaved the pumpkins and scooped out the good stuff.  The stringing part was a huge messy mess!  But I persisted and got enough pulp to make a pie with a pecan praline topping.  Here are results although a bit disappointed with a very mild pumpkin taste with the need to stretch one's pumpkin imagination.  Pumpkin pie is not on Doug's list of pies worth eating.  The neighbors once again were gifted with the afternoon efforts.  It was a great learning experience probably not to be repeated.   There was even a regifting that happened with Doug returning with Chili and cookies.  Supper was easy!

The early afternoon brought a breakdown of the computer, TV, and Landline Phone.  Spectrum was having difficulties and I imagine it had something to do with the cold.  It was a quiet afternoon and part of the evening with the big three quiet.  I tackled Euginia Price southern 1800's writings that I borrowed from the library.  By 9 all was working again.  

One other job was completed today.  That was wrapping gifts and stuffing stockings and making sure there were names attached to the package.  I mean the right name is attached to the package.  I'm getting better at that with no big mistakes in a long time.  Time for opening to be determined. 

Another interesting day.  I would prefer that low temperatures and high winds and the snow, although there wasn't much snow would stay farther north.  It doesn't take much of the big three until I say we've had enough.  The boiler was a bit slow in heating and 62 degrees is just not my favorite temperature to live in. That will change soon. Thinking about the people of Ukraine helps me to say no more.. 


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