Tuesday. Pot Holder Day!

 Nothing different about the morning.  Oatmeal, wordle, crossword puzzle finished this time, Morning Joe and Eric taken to the bus again.  A great visit  with a son.  All is well.  

Thinking about the day with nothing planned took me to the sewing machine.  I could use some potholders.  That happened.  

I found some of the fabric I used for Kat's placemats and thought..."POT HOLDERS"

Then I thought if Kat needs pot holders then Kimmy needs 'POT HOLDERS".  So that's how the day went.  To The Pots!!!

The tabs have velcro making them easy to hang on the oven handle always ready to deal with anything hot around the stove  I always know where mine are.  I'm pretty sure the blog doesn't hold a whole lot of interest for the family so I'm trusting the daughters-in-law will continue to be clueless about POT  HOLDERS. I should say it was a fun day with fabric.  Another sewing mess was cleaned up.  I'm sure there will be more messes in the future. 

We heard that Adam had his visit with the neurologist. An MRI has been ordered along with medicine for headaches.  Little by little some answers should be coming.  

So the day has been pretty quiet except for the sewing machine and a few words when I broke two sewing machine needles.  Haven't done that in a long time.  I told Doug that if anyone needs to develop patience, they need to take up sewing.  On the next trip to JoAnn's, I'll be buying needles for sure.  

Soup for supper and a toasty evening.  The airways are full of the coming bomb of a weather forecast.  Wind, Snow, Cold.  Sounds like a blizzard.  I have eggs and bread but no milk!  


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