
 Another great start to another day I call a gift.  First, another good night of sleep with a little awake time but then sleep till 5:55.  That is what I call great.  Thanks for praying if you are or are not!  Wordle success in four, quite unexpected and then crossword with making trouble for myself but I eventually got everything corrected.  I love the challenge.  I took books back to the library with none replacing what I had.  A stop at the drugstore with a pickup and after that the morning got a little boring.  But the afternoon was busy with the temperature allowing me time to play in the dirt.  I tackled one of the bigger beds with lots of raking and scraping and pulling out and then doing it all over again.  

All clean and filled with Hibiscus, Cup plants, Day Lillies, Blackeyed Susans, Lemon Balm, Live Forever and Butterfly Weed. Everything is up but the Butterfly Weed.  It's a latecomer. I should add Hibiscus and Queen of the Praire to that list of slow pokes. A few Lemon Balm plants found their way into the garbage can.  They can really be pests.  
The cup plant is barely out of the ground on its way to being about 7 feet tall with beautiful yellow flowers.  The Finch love this plant.  So do I. 

There are rocks at various places in the garden.  Of course they are contributions from Doug.  I cleaned the area and relaid again some very old rocks.

One of my favorite thing in the garden is this huge piece of Lake Superior. driftwood complements of the Michigan Russells who found it and carried it a far piece and then gifted it to me.  What a find and what an interesting centerpiece to the herb garden where perennial sweet peas climb all over it.  We see these same sweetpeas in the U P planted by the miner's wives who lived in the area at the beginning of the 20 century. 

There was lots of raking today.  I and my back hope the raking season is soon over.  Mrs. Back lovingly provided a muscle for the hole in Mrs. Head's head.  Yes...there really was a hole in a head.  Mrs. Back is doing a bit of complaining, missing her muscle and demanding that I take care of the body I live in so I WILL.  It's 6 PM and the day is over.  Thanks be to God for another day.  I am grateful. So is my head.  


  1. And it is 28 degrees here in Georgia! ! ! ! ! ! This is supposed to be SPRING. I might as well be in Michigan!


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