This morning was a little crazy. or a little too busy. I worked on Wordle and eventually, that was a washout. Crossword was done, and Eric was taken to the bus. It was a rainy morning a bit unsettling to ride a bike to work downtown. I picked up medicine at the drugstore. Then it was a Kroger stop-buying oil and an orange for a rhubarb pie. Then back home and discovered that I got the wrong medicine so I went back to the drugstore to fix that and then home more than an hour from when I started. Woo. I survived! I saw a whole lot of Rangelne Rd. over and over.
Another rhubarb pie is now on the counter with half going to neighbor Bill and Kathy and the rest staying here. Yum, yum, tonight for supper.
Lots of Nutmegs sprinkled on top looks like dirt. Nope...It's NutmegAfter lunch, I decided that it was plant shopping time telling Doug I was looking not buying. But after doing a Meijer, Rosie, and Habig look I found some quarts that fit my pocketbook. So I'm adding a Campanula and Stokesia Blue Danube Aster to the perennial bed. I did a little dirt fluffing after the rain. The beds look great.
This morning I discovered a whole lot of common milkweed coming up in the garden that has supported Monarch in the past relying only on Swamp milkweed. Now there will be two kinds of milkweed supporting Monarch butterfly egg-laying. With a lot of blooming nectar-loaded flowers in the same area attracting butterflies and fingers crossed I hope to see Monarchs again. The dill is already growing and that supports Swallowtail butterflies. Now on to warmer weather.
At the bottom...Hibiscus are always the last thing to show signs of life and then daylilies, Doug was sure the Hibiscus was dead. Not yet for sure. Many Cup Plants and Mexican Sunflowers and Clematis are also in this bed along the fence.
It was a new soup for supper. Chicken/ with a whole lot of herbs added. Something a little milder in taste. Sometimes I just put too many things in the pot and then there is a big soup pitch out cleaning the refrigerator like this morning. Wasteful. Radiation 2 years ago has changed my taste buds and I need to remember that. Things I think will taste wonderful, don't. That doesn't include rhubarb pie.
This afternoon a picture came by text from Cleaveland. It seems that spring has arrived noted by a pink dogwood. A memory of our church courtyard years ago.
I've noticed that this spring came early and has been here already for a while with the hope of more time to come. The cool weather has prolonged the blooming time, What a gift to see dogwood blossoms and bluebells along with other spring flowers take their time to disappear.
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