
 The every-other-day routine makes this a very busy day.  The opposite of slow yesterday.  So Wordle was awesome.  Got it in TWO.  There are not very many twos.  I'll take it.   I did a check garden walk around finding a few red beets peeking through. There was a little TV news and then watched the clock to get me on the road by 9:30 for my 10:30 appointment at the med center.  This appointment was with Dr. Langar who was my guardian angel doctor during radiation treatments.

Along with two other little sprouts, I found this tonight in the garden.  It's the first of more to come common milkweed necessary for Monarch living..  I had a large patch of common milkweed a few years ago.  I did an early spring Round-up spray not thinking of the milkweed below.  The Round-up leeched down to the root system..  The garden suffered for about 4 years before any common milkweed appeared again.  They are back.  Yahoo!. The little out-of-focus green snippet in the lower right corner is dill that seeded itself coming back for the summer.  This is the host plant for the Swallowtail Butterflies. 

The traffic wasn't bad at all on my way downtown.  It was nice to see Dr. Langer again.  I would say he was quite animated which was a nice touch.  Once again I answered questions asked by a resident doctor and then there was about a 20-minute visit with Dr. Langar.  I'm scheduled for another visit in a year which will include a scan of my neck.  It would seem that radiation and the thyroid gland might in time not get along after radiation.  So there will be a tell-all message coming from the scan shouting problem or no problem.  I will say over and over that I continue to receive great care from folks looking under rocks for anything that even smells like a problem.  

The first of a few different varieties of perennial geranium in the garden  This pretty soft lavender is one that came from the church plant swap.  It's the first to bloom now with one flower but many buds promise more.

I called Heidi before I left the parking lot, picked her up and we were on our way to Lowes.  We found two plants for church and they are ready for Sunday's worship hours.  

Jack in the Pulpit now looks like a Jack in the Pulpit although my friend Liz calls it a Jill in the Pulpit.                                                                       Another plant swap gift. 

Needing food like we do is a remarkable thing.  The main reason for the afternoon Aldi visit was NO coffee which is a disaster at this house.  Then to keep the coffee company a whole lot of other necessities found their way into the cart.  A stop for gas assures me that tomorrow afternoon's trip back to the Med Center should be a success.  I'm not in love with the car but some might think so this week.  I am very grateful for dependable transportation.  It would seem that I'm doing a lot of road trips lately.  That should change soon. Fingers crossed. Eyes crossed and anything else that is needed. 

So I'm grateful for many things today.  A few I'll name.  Doctors who take great care of their patients. I'm on that list. Church friends who walk the walk with me.  A family that keeps me centered in the right place. A place where the distractions of nature in the garden fill the voids that appear at unexpected times.  And for the gift of life that has been gifted to me and held in awe.  Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me. 


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