Pentecost Sunday.

 Yes...My favorite Sunday of the church year.  I'm still trying to figure out why but one thing I do know.  It feels like a Sunday of new beginnings.  When choosing the surgery date, it had to be after Pentecost.  I was close to tears at the end of the service when I realized that once again I could celebrate the event.  I had made it another year. 

The first flower from the perennial Sweet pea plant.  There will be many flowers in the next few weeks.

Surges...this morning I tackled a job I hate.  That's cleaning the refrigerator.  There are always tubs of leftovers that I thought I would use and then having no idea what was in the tub when I find it.  And it usually stinks! So I did the deed! Then I moved on to scrubbing the kitchen floor.  Woo...I told Doug I'm ready for surgery.  There is nothing like a clean house that makes coming home on Tuesday even better.  Tomorrow I'll run the sweeper and get in some groceries. 

This afternoon I had to laugh when I thought of the days before birthing the boys feeling that extra surge of energy knowing that something different was about to happen. This afternoon another surge but thank goodness the birthing days are long past.  Been there and done that twice.  Enough for me.  But this afternoon the surge came back related to flowerbeds.  Is the Tuesday event behind all of this? The Blackeyed Susans in another bed were looking pretty sick.  The solution...move Susan onto the garbage can.  She's done her duty quite well but the roots needed a release from the hard ground.  So out she came and that plot of ground can move on to something different.  Tomorrow I'll visit Ace again to get another 50 lb of sand and the last 20 pounds of gypsum will be added to the mix.  I'll let the spot rest until the zinnias and calendula are big enough to transplant in another week.  Maybe two weeks away if I listen to the doctor.  I'll give it my best shot. I'll remember that 10-pound thing.  One gal. of water only weighs 8.9 pounds!  So the sprinkling can can be half full!  

The surge of energy carried right on until the area was cleared.  Woo...the area may look small but I wouldn't want it any bigger.  I think it should be an interesting bed with something new to look at.  I left a few little spots of Susans that seemed a bit healthier.  There are some Becky Daisy's that should be divided and can be added..  

A few weeks ago I mentioned being at Rosie's and finding some broken branches from a big geranium plant as I was leaving..  I brought them home and put them into the water with the hope they might grow roots.  I remember Alta from my childhood days doing that.  And today when I checked one stem had roots.  Tomorrow I'll plant it in a big pot with the hope that the other three stems will follow soon.  What a treasure although the magenta-colored flower would not be one I would have picked.  Oh, Well.  They were free!  I can live with it. 

So the day was a busy one.  Church was good.  The afternoon was good.  The evening so far even better and I'm ready for tomorrow with a tired body that will heal during the night.  Thanks be to God. 

  This morning I spotted a BIG rabbit in the yard.  So the red beets got a protective cover of spray that is supposed to save them from rabbit nibbles.  Those beets are mine to eat.  I detected deer nibbles a few weeks ago.  They left their tracks beside the red beets.  A sure clue, baby deer. Chocolate Mint is in the pot.  It's very, very good in coffee!  Who would have thought? A few pepper plants are just beyond.  It's 8 pm.  Time to turn this machine OFF!  


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