
 A great sleep last night with a wake-up ready for the day.  It was off to church for a Bread and Bowl morning.  We had a good number of workers sharing tasks that needed to be ready by 11.  We were ready by 10:15.  Woo.  So we had a morning of visiting with each other and conversations that were most interesting.  The doors opened at 11 with a line of folks ready for a noon-time meal.  By 11:20 most of the food was gone and the interesting happening was that no one came after 11:20.  Another God moment of which there have been many.  We had 6 carry-out meals ready for any late comers so we waited till 12 to close.  

I took a few pictures of the sanctuary and placed beautiful flowers at the altar a gift from Heidi and James Horton.  In case you've forgotten, it's Pentecost!  The birthday of the church.  The disciples received the message, spread the good news. 

About 40 yards of red voile are used in the sanctuary decorations for this Sunday. 

Back home at the ranch I had lunch and then we were off to Wildbirds.  That's always such an interesting place and today the store was full of buzzing people.  We bought niger and cracked sunflower seed finch food and a box of suet cakes.  We talked about our Pilated with destructive habits but it was determined not enough to kill the tree.  There are some simple solutions, some that chase the Pilated away but that's not one we would choose.  So we'll live with it.  It may be a passing fancy! 

More holes.  One of the workers at Wild Birds lived and worked at a sugar maple syrup camp. It seems she knows a lot about trees and assured us that she thought our tree would be just fine.  We see many trees with holes when camping.  The woodpeckers love the trees in that part of the world. Doug has the best picture of two big Pileated woodpeckers on the same tree at our camp site. 

Dianthus in the background. The new pump is just bubbling along.  The plants are sitting on a shelf and we probably will see little of the three fish who will hide under that shelf.  No jumping kids!  You will not be happy.  

Then we went on to the Reef. The water treatment solution that we had last year could not be found.  We went on to Rosie's and the same words.  The water treatment solutions were for huge fish ponds or large fountains in concentrated form.  We'll keep looking.  The flooring water plant went into the pond and I noticed little tiny things swimming.  Did we get guppies?  No.  The reef's water plant tub is outside and we got a load of mosquito larvae swimming ready to hatch.  ick.  I dipped out loads just happy to have seen them before they hatched into the real thing.  

Once again the sight at Rosie's was just beautiful.  I saw a beautiful YELLOW peony to die for.  That was something new for me.  YELLOW!

Back home in the afternoon, I moved the three bears' breeches to their new home. Gave them some fertilizer and a drink.  I  had a stern talk with the zinnias wondering what they were up to and suggesting loudly that they better get on with the growing part of their job.  Sitting on their duff or dying was not an option.  I went ahead and snipped most of the blooms with the hope that now all the growing energy will go into producing growth in their roots, stems, and leaves.  Flowers can come later.  One of the finch feeders looked a bit grundy.  I decided to take the feeder apart and try to do a cleaning job.  It worked and the feeder was filled with new food and I felt better!  I don't think the birds cared one iota!  

A little TV in the evening and another day of doing for and receiving from.  That's my kind of day, trying to make the world a better place.  


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