Wednesday...first full day.

 The night report...lots of short little naps with a hole from 2 to 3:30 with a little TV and a crossword I forgot to do earlier in the day.  Then back to bed with two Tylenol for pain. I would say it was a relatively easy night.  

Today was a day of sleeping and musical chairs with me the only one playing the game. was a slow-down day just happy to be at home and able to comply with orders from the doctor.  I walked the garden this morning finding more tiny swamp milkweed starts.  This is a great spring for that.  Now to keep them going.  A call from the doctor's office assured the nurse that I was following all the suggestions given.  I can take a shower tomorrow and get rid of the tight binder.  The doctor stitched up the inside of me and glued the outside.  I'll hang together well. 

This afternoon Doug found the rabbit.  A deer ran across the yard with her tiny almost newborn fawn following behind and stopping to nurse for a few minutes.  We really have quite a collection of animals close by which includes the third chipmunk to appear.  We haven't caught this one yet but I suspect we will very soon. Doug spotted a hawk soon after finding the rabbit and chipmunk.  Now those three should go together.  All this happened while occupying the chairs on the patio.  

                            The baby was so tiny but had no difficulty keeping up with its mother. 

It's been a while since we've had rain.  There was a tease this afternoon.  I managed to fill a bucket half full and do a bit of watering.  That's a gal. at a time.  I think I did three half-buckets.  That was enough for today.  

The Michigan family texted a lot this morning.  The seniors walked through the grade school and middle school with their caps and gowns on.  The high school is right beside the two schools mentioned. Graduation will be live-streamed tomorrow evening.  We'll have an MSU freshman in the family. 

 Jacob is in the middle of this group of graduates.  The gold ropes indicate honor recognitions the kids received a couple of weeks ago.

So the first whole day of being once again free of cancer happened.  It's been a strange and confusing at times journey.  One not easy to understand.  But there's been another rainbow sighting.  Another promise. Another day of healing.    Great is thy faithfulness.


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