
 Yes Dee.  I attended two Easter Vigils years ago and spent time planning another one and miss that service so much.  I should look for it again although this year my energy level is at an all time low.  Today reminded me of that again.  

And what was today.  An 8:30 arrival at church to pack away the black and bring out Easter.  And we did it. The troupe working did a commendable job although there is not much that is new.  Doris always stressed that keeping things fresh was important. There is some fresh but not much. And I forgot to take any pictures of our work.  Dah!  Most of it is centered around the front of the sanctuary.  Not all but most.  So Easter will arrive again.  Doug picked me up at noon and we headed on home.  

I did some sleeping and just trying to find where my body was.  The weather has been wonderful, and I felt obligated to use the outdoor weather to make a difference.  So I did. 

It may be early for this and I might be sorry but I decided that the little inground pond should be given a try.  The solar pump still works and it's bubbling away.  It's really hard to know the time schedule since everything is so early.

The bluebells are bursting out all over.  What a rite of spring. I thank myself every year for making the decision to grow bluebells many years ago.  It was the right one.  Every year they appear in new places having done their magic during their "dormancy" time. 

This is going to be a ringer year for Dianthus.  Every year gets better, and the first little flower is showing its stuff. 

I love these little gifts that come back each year.  

So there has been time this afternoon to watch the ladies play ball.  Great games and a wonderful reason to sit a spell.  More time to do that to come.  I can use that excuse for sure.  Recovering from this last little escapade is taking a little time.  
        The jonquils continue to show their stuff. How fortunate to have these friends each year.  

Friday Eric also had a little glitch in his routine that took him to the ER after passing out.  Why?  We're not sure and some feel we will never figure it out.  But the precaution that has been suggested to wear a heart monitor for two weeks.  Like mother like son seems to be the adage.  He's wearing a huge bump on his head as a momentum of the experience.  I would say this family has had enough drama for a while.  I warned Jared that things come in threes. Watch out kiddo.  Today Kimmy opened the kiln which proved to present many great gifts.  I say the kiln is a magic maker although that comes with a lot of work.  

I had a wonderful phone call from Patty, back from her winter in Arizona not a minute to soon. I really miss her and already I suggested a new job for her.  I'm such a bad friend. 

More basketball tonight and time on the chair letting entertainment come my way.  I hear Caitlin is coming to Indy to play with our professional woman's team.  Now that's great news. 

The Lord has risen indeed.  Thanks be to God. 
                           I borrowed a picture.  Communion is offered during the first service.


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