
 What happened today? I don't have much to show for it.  I did a lot of sitting around.  Some walking the garden.  Texting Eli and then it was Holy Thursday evening church service of communion remembering the Last Supper.  So what did I see in my walk?  

The Blue Bird mom and dad are busy stuffing the box with Georgia pine needles.  I'm really happy about that.  So far the box is about 2 inches full and will get at least another 2 inches before Mom and Pop are satisfied.  So far the danglers are keeping the sparrows out.  Their nest building skills stink so neat says Blue Birds.  They have been busy.  

The Lenten Rose Hellebores continue to look fresh ad beautiful.  It's so nice to have flowers that are happy when the environment is not so forgiving. And the size of the beds tells me that they have been around for some time planted at least 10 years ago.  

I pulled a few weeds.  Worked on not tipping over which is pretty easy now.  Tomorrow morning the in house PT lady is coming and that's not to soon.  I wanted to take Stella around the block but I sort of talked myself out of that trip.  The wimp in me said tooooo cold. Maybe tomorrow.
I had to take a picture of these two little friends.  There are just a few around so I'm giving them a little space.  
My Nancy friend 's mug arrived today.  Kimmy loves this shape and so do I.  The dark brown glaze was dug in the UP where our potter friend Dennis told Jared to dig.  It's a favorite glaze.  Great choice Nancy!

Neighbor Kathy was yard working so I got to talk to her for a while.  It proves that we are thinking spring for sure.  I moved some of the zinnia jugs out for the day.  They will come back in before night.  
Here's another plant bursting out.  I need to go to Rosie's and discover once again the name of this pretty thing.  Sprigs of asparagus are appearing.  The lettuce is growing.  I need to plant parsley.  And everything else is looking great for this time of year.  It's still MARCH but not for long.

That's about it for the day.  Not much to show for it but I can live with it.  Tomorrow there is another chance to make a difference.  God is good.  


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