
 I would say the day was pretty good to me.  It started with one hotel room being used so there was a  trip to the park.  I had been out working in the garden thinking about some jobs needing to be done.  One being fertilizing.  I went looking for the box and discovered that it was to increase blooms which I use later in the spring.  I needed the fertilizer with the first big number helping plants to grow.  After we took our guest to the woods we went on to Rosie's.  She didn't have Miracle Grow so on to Ace Hardware we went where we found it along with Preen almost 7 dollars cheaper than Rosies.  So I think I'm pretty well set for the rest of the summer.  There is a pretty good supply of Deer off, Weed killer and Dust added to fertilizer and Preen.  

Back home again I was feeling like it was time to relax.  Two hours of work were already under my belt so it was time for a change and it happened.  

Cleaning up scattered bird seed and then adding a little color to the patio made a good improvement to the patio late in the afternoon.. 

Oh, yes, along with the hotel occupancy I discovered that the B Birds had started working on a second nest.  Their attitude has changed and they are diligent workers at this point taking nothing from the bird world. .  

        The box is about 1/3 full.  The birds will fill the box to 2/3s full and then start laying eggs. 

The third good thing of the morning happened as I discovered the first Monarch caterpillar munching away.  

                                            This is a very tiny cat.  I hope he doesn't get lost. 

The afternoon gave me time to get all the Monarch equipment together and ready for occupancy.  So I would say it was a very good day. Lots of things happened with a lot of breaks taken.  It's a new world for me.

I spent time watering with fertilizer, transplanting Waldos and doing a good inspection of the whole garden.  

              There are 3 Bear's Breeches in various places in the garden.  Only one is blooming.  I'll take it. 

The afternoon temperature was perfect for sitting in the shade and watching so many birds taking turns and not taking turns.  They really were everywhere seeming to enjoy each others company most of the time.  

Our first supper outside happened.  Humming birds were entertaining and watching the B Birds doing their thing certainly kept us entertained.   

Doug spotted a Swallowtail on one of the pots full of flowering plants.  There is rue, parsley, dill and fennel for them.  Come on. I hope they are used for egg laying.  The babies would have a great munching world nearby.  


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