
 It's the end of the work week for some folks.  Retired folks might just say another day like some others.

  It was a morning of feeling down.  Farther down than I wanted to be but down having not heard a word about the scan.  It's difficult to be content when the word isn't ready yet.  Inquiring minds want to know what the heck is going on.  Maybe nothing or something.  Just one of the two is the choice.  I called and left a message which hasn't been returned.  I imagine that Friday could be a day off for the office.  I'm clueless if that's true but it makes me think that might be the reason.  I haven't been forgotten.  The word just isn't ready yet.

            Big Bertha looking bigger almost ready for stuffing.  I'd like her skin to be a bit thicker.  

I watched morning TV.  A walk in the garden brought about some transplanting of basil.  Now everything is full.  NO, fuller.  There was some pulling out among the Nigella flowers. Just the tired looking ones and there are a lot more to go at some point.  

Parts of this flower have done a lot of traveling.  First to our house from Doug's father's garden.  Then to Jared's Michigan garden.  Then ours died and Jared shared a stash and it's back in our garden.  Yeah!

I did some sewing with the next twelve burps that were waiting in line.  

        The second zinnia is blooming.  In another week or so the garden should be full of blooms.  

I got a card in the mail reminding me it was time to renew my drivers license.  A couple of days ago Doug was commenting on what he thought was a good time of day to do that being mid-afternoon.  So off we went crashing into an hour long wait which took less than 15 minutes to complete after the clerks missed calling my number.  Yes we've all experienced that and today it was our turn. I can say it was a change in scenery with people watching.  Not bad entertainment when feeling down.  Job done.  And if need be we'll be back in 2 years.  Will I be driving?  At this point, it's questionable.

                        Guaranteed to taste better if the bowl and mug come off the Kimmy wheel.

There was supper on the patio again.  The temperature was a bit warmer but still it was fairly pleasant.  We heard a few days ago that a pair of orioles was spotted in the neighborhood and sure enough...they came to visit.  The feeders have been out with juice, but I added some grape jelly after we finished our meal.  

The day lilies are really experiencing a growth spirt.  So, the deer spray came out again.  I really would be upset if at this point the deer had their bud thanksgiving meal. There is going to be a huge drift of flowers in a few days. This is a bed I worked on last summer digging and dividing.  There are four or five different day lilies.  Maybe even more.  It should be a show stopper.

                                                    The first yellow of many to come.  

So the weekend is here again.  Monday, I have an appointment with my diabetic doctor.  She is a gem.  And perhaps the scan word will come.  Alicia has been calling me.  She is a IU health care worker who calls folks who have been hospitalized.  After my seizure I heard from her almost every week.  Last week was to be her last call.  We agreed that waiting and not knowing is one of the hardest parts of an illness.  She's moving on to a new job but told me she would call again next week.  Her calls have been a blessing.  The Alicias of the health industry have been my lifesavers.  I am fortunate. 

Tonight another NBA game.  Go Celts!


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