
 Waiting for me this morning was a sweet little squirrel running a marathon event in the cage.  Back and forth until Doug got up.  And nice Doug did the woods drive even before he had his own pop tart with coffee and the paper.  That was long after I got up. Woo, Woo, I got to ride along.  We had a great visit while at the woods with a man who was delivering racoons from underneath his deck.  Six so far with more to come.  He has a deck that needs replacing.  Rain will take care of the poop on his roof!  Squirrels and chipmunks...easy peasy.

For some reason this picture looks a little smoky.  I'm including it, sharing last night's event of two Piliated Woodpeckers in the same picture.  One at the feeder, I think the mother and one on a branch just above the suet feeder.  I think that's the kid. One was feeding the other        

     Still blooming during the morning hours although all the other clumps are long gone for this year.   

I was up and at 'em as usual at least three hours before Doug.  So, the suet to the birds and breakfast of an egg with coffee for me.  The day began.  I walked the garden clipping off the spent day lilies that bloomed yesterday enjoying today's new flowers.  Another first for this year.  I would say a rusty orange color to make a difference.  

That lead to more playing in the dirt.  I discovered a zinnia group on Facebook.  Lots of flowers from southern gardens already this year.  I had a few Benary seeds left but where could I put them?  Problem solved.  I tore out some pitiful looking Basil and put the last of the pack of Benaries in the ground.  There is a lot of Basil that looks fine in another spot.  Am I crazy?  I won't comment.  

                                                        They are all in the ground.  

That lead to a lot of other garden stuff.  I needed to find a place for the cleome.  That meant that a hole was needed in the shade garden for the plant that was having a heat stroke every day.  That moved happened and there was a spot for the cleome.  Please God...don't let me find another cleome to move somewhere.  And I turned around and there she was.  Prayer unanswered.  Sometimes that happens.  This will take some thinking.  

                                                        Yes a church swap example.

A few more moves were made leaving cleo where she was for the present.  With thanksgiving I realized that my body was feeling as it once did a half year ago.  Eventually that was a half day event.  I'll take it.

    Basil gone and Zinnia seed will soon be sending tiny little plants to the light sooner than expected.                                                      This is super good fast growing weather.

We ate lunch and then there was a trip to Aldi's.  Never go to the grocery on an empty stomach.  That's straight from Richard's almanac.  Then two drug store visits and a stop at Kroger's for distilled water.  When that was finished, I told Doug we needed a handy cap sticker for car parking.  My hip was talking again telling me it was chair time.  

The most important item to buy for the most important meal for the most important camping trip to Lake Superior.  That should get us through.

Guess what goes with a chair and that elderly word.  YUP! a nap.  I do miss a lot of TV that way but The TV seems to roll over the news all day and night long.  What I miss comes back again.


I had to laugh when I saw this bud.  Remember I told them to drink the cool-aide. I think that was two days ago.  I guess they paid attention.  Bloom Buster came through again.  From the bud there comes a flower.  

So, another hot one for sure.  Easy does it and the fans keep giving their gift.  Tomorrow is Bread and Bowl morning.  We'll be busy, I'm sure of that.  


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