
 The first day of hot and we're doing just fine.  At 7 PM it's 90 outside but in the house it's 92.  I would say a little warm because this house never had air conditioning but a boiler and baseboard heat.  No ducts for cold air.  We've been here for 50 years and it's just the way it is.  Doug's hang out is in the lower level a bit cooler than where I am. We made a choice so enough of writing about it. I hate window air conditioners but might look for a little room cooler at some point.  

                        Doug's favorite day lilly.  He's going to have a ton of them if the deer let him. 

This morning was slow which was fine.  I cut out 12 fleece burps stacking them ready for the sewing machine at some point. 

At 12 Hoke took me, Miss Daisy to see Dr. Baker which was a very productive meeting.  I said she is a gem and once again I was right.  My last visit was before the seizure so there was some talk about that with a good laugh about where that happened.  I talked about my lack of info about the scan and she went to the doctors page and shared what was there.  Dr. Schneider posted the report late Friday night. So far there is nothing conclusive. There is a  possibility of a Pet Scan. The scan I had was of bones.  Pet scans check organs. It would seem there could be a needle in the hay stack somewhere.  But maybe not.  I'm blessed with a doctor that keeps looking.  But another scan will mean more waiting time.  That's the only down side so I'll live with it.   

After the doctor's visit, we moved on to Goodwill.  Lucky me.  The Nora Goodwill is just two miles south of us. It was loaded. The flannel is really heavy good quality. A fellow shopper thought it was wonderful that Doug accompanied me shopping.  He made sure that the reason why HOKE was there was shared with the shopper.  They were still impressed.  I started seeing one set of flannel sheets.  Then there were two, then three. We took them all with each costing 3.51 with a 10% discount. I was one happy camper.  It's a little warm to work on flannel but I managed to get the elastic off the fitted bottoms ready for the next step.  

                        Another color showed up.  Another week or so will make a huge color difference.

One of the first things I did this morning was giving a last drink to the plants for the day.  They survived.  I might do that again tonight and if not tonight tomorrow morning.  Day one of a five days of heat.  We've had this almost every summer but this summer it's early.  Well, I guess it's still Spring.  That is depressing.


  1. That’s really funny about Dad letting them know why he was really there. That made me laugh. Driving Ms Daisy. Good to hear from the doc.


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