
 Last night was one of those crazy nights with 3 hrs. of sleep.  It was just not enough as you all can guess. But some nights that just is the case.  It's been a day of dragging. 

Breakfast and a walk in the garden at some point snapping off day lilies.  I enjoy doing that.  The new Benary Zinnias were doing find and received a well-deserved drink.  The rest of the sprinkling can water went to two container plants that also are looking fine and dandy.  

By 9:30 Doug and I were on the way to church meeting Heidi and talking over some scheduling dates for changes in the sanctuary.  Darren is planning to use the chapel during July and August for the first service each Sunday morning.  The altar needed some paraments, so we measured for a communion cloth along with a green altar cloth.  We hung new banners in the chapel and met with Jennifer discussing altar flower needs for the coming months.  I'll be taking something from the garden for next Sunday along with a few more services. 

The morning was a bit tiring, and I was glad to get home after stopping for gas.  Lunch was welcomed. It was time for the chair.  

                        Thinning these out last year has helped a whole lot bringing lots of blooms.

Before leaving for church, I spent some time in the herb garden clipping the sweet peas that had gotten out of hand.  I finished that job this afternoon and there seems to be room to breath again. I filled a vase of flowers for the neighbor seeing their return from one of their well planned vacation trips. 

                Once again the Lake Superior driftwood did a great job supporting the sweet peas.                             The red beets appeared again and Peter appetite has caused him to move on to other things.  

The rest of the day was pretty quiet.  The noise of the TV brought more than a few well-planned naps.  I wasn't surprised.  Three hours of sleep a night is just not enough to get me through without an afternoon snooze.  

                A new flower from the plant swap.  And once again I can't remember it's name.  Darn!

Supper was on the patio.  How nice to be able to enjoy that space again.  The birds were a bit miffed after the suet holder disappeared.  It took less than 24 hours for one whole brick of suet to be eaten,   The black birds were eating and swimming until the food truck pulled out. The swimming hole needed a refill.  They were not paying their bill or leaving a tab.  Bad birds.  

                                                        Pretty stunning I would say.

There was another Benery check welcoming even more little sprouts. 

   I'm counting my chickens just after hatching.  That's pretty dangerous.  I counted around 20

                                                            The chair looks mighty full.

I managed to find a little time for cutting fabric with the hope of doing a little sewing on the altar cloths before the day was over.  Tomorrow Doug and I are going to Zionsville to my favorite needle-work shop to get a couple of things to finish the green altar cloth.  The green fabric is very heavy and hard to work with.  I happy to know that I have a little more time to finish that cloth.  The communion cloth will be a quick fix.   

                    The wait is almost over.  Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches coming our way.


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