
 Today was one of those slow days.  If I wanted to do something I did something and then I also did a lot of unsomethings.  

A peak with the camera told me that mom was taking a break and those 5 little mouths were open wide for a treat.  In the last picture taken there were 4 mouths and one egg.  I'm counting five heads.  I don't think they are very pretty, but they do turn out to be stunners.  No oriole spotted today but then I haven't been outside very much. 

I did have a goal of getting to the number 100 with burps wanting to deliver them to Ginny tomorrow at church.  Ginny Cushman Wood, our Sr. ministers wife works with the Goodwill baby mothers.  Getting to 100 took a little effort but by noon I had made it.  Ginny has gotten the message, and I'll be passing the bag off to her tomorrow.  

I have a bit of fleece fabric that might be used but I'm not real excited about that fabric.  It's just not as absorbent as flannel.  We'll see what Ginny thinks about that.  I don't expect to see flannel sheets at Goodwill until fall.  

Today was the biweekly day to fill pill containers so that job was once again completed.  By then I was bushed.  It was nap time which really meant there were lots of naps.  I just couldn't get with it and that was the next best thing which was easy to do for a while.  

While that was going on Doug decided to do some clean-up work with the tree that had a huge split branch.  He worked on the little stuff which was easy to get at waiting for Jared at some point with his chain saw and sons that will carry the wood somewhere to be determined.  Maybe to the burn pile. 

 We actually can walk around the house now.  I need to dig out some ferns.  They are taking over as usual. 

After the shut eye time, I watched some TV and decided to work on preparing bags for soup kitchen take out.  I'm half way on that with 30 ready and have a week to get to 60.  I think I'll make it.  

I walked the garden looking for new flowers that I haven't photographed.  I thought there were none but that wasn't true. 

It's the first Becky Daisy.  I don't understand why folks buy any other kind but Becky's.  They last a long time, have strong stems and are just a very dependable flower.  It would seem that a bug got this one before I did.  And speaking of bugs, this summer like last I am getting eaten alive by some bug.  Not mosquitos but something I don't even see.  There are huge welts that itch, and they bite right through the cloths.  What are they?  I need some OFF! 
This really excites me.  I think I took a picture a few weeks ago but it's really going gang busters now.  So pretty and so full and from my Nicci church choir buddy and the plant swap.  It's just the best.
With the exception of the asparagus fern all the other stuff was pulled out of some flower bed.  The basil transplanted yesterday looks good and all seems to be ready to move on.  The garden is beginning to feel like kids that will survive without much help. 


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