
 Early morning with coffee and a bowl of cereal on the patio.  It was a very quiet morning with not a lot of entertainment.  All was quiet with the world.  I did a short walk snapping off the spent day lilies that had bloomed yesterday and cutting short little zinnias for the two Jared/Kimmy vases.  A few people got flower pictures via text.  

Then Hoke (Doug) took Ms. Daisy (Me) to soup kitchen at church.  I was later than usual but still arriving before the rest of the crew.  It's always a good thing to have answers to questions using those few minutes alone to discover what the day will bring food wise. The crew jumped into getting all the jobs covered and we finished preparation earlier than usual.  Visiting together with jobs completed is so valuable to team building and community making.  

The doors opened at 11 o'clock.  The line was very, very long and many folks were able to eat in a cool setting with a great meal of mixed vegetables, chicken nuggets and corn bread.  There was a chance to choose from many deserts.  With dishes washed and the area clean again, we were able to leave at 12:20

I checked the sanctuary before leaving for the service tomorrow making sure the candles were ready and the altar flowers had been placed.  Hoke appeared and we were on the way home.  There was a flower question from Heidi that was solved by a phone call. Another call to the Michigan family was made after receiving pictures of their flowerbeds.  Three years ago we filled the car full of plants from our garden with the hope of giving them a garden start.  And it has worked.  Kimmy's family are big vegetable garden folks and there is also one of those in another area of the farm.  

The first-year, plants sleep, the second they creep and the third they leap.  This is leap year and they have done that.  The plants have made a great adjustment when moving from clay soil to sandy soil. 

The afternoon was a bit lazy after a very busy morning.  Doug spotted the Piliated on a tree in the front yard with another sighting of two Piliated in the tree in the back yard.  And at the same time Kimmy R. sent a picture of what had just appeared at their feeder for the first time.  I would say it's a piliated summer.  

 And there is an oriole.  What a sight. That oriole looks exactly like the one that was here in the spring.                               That's a joke.  All orioles look exactly alike to me!  I can pretend. 


Both of our friends were in the tree looking at each other with one head behind the other.  The black birds had cleaned out the suet so these two attacked the peanut holder.  Later in the evening I filled the suet feeder and Mrs. Big Bird flew right in as if waiting for the treat all afternoon.. 


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