
 I awoke at a decent hour.  Thanks be to God.  It was breakfast and then the usual walk to determine what happened overnight in the garden.  

                                                    There were more surprises.

The first day of the week is church day.  And as usual we were off to church at 10:00 giving us time to visit.  And our friend Leigh Mamlin was here from Columbus , Ohio to celebrate father's day.  It was so good to see her and her daughter Franny.  The church family celebrated the three plus years our associate minister has been with us now moving on to his own church.  He will be missed.  In Sept  Amy moves on to her first church in Montana.  We say we are a teaching church helping folks called to the ministry.  Woo. We're in another adjustment moment in time.

There were more garden surprises. 
  • After the second service time together included a meal.  After some discussion, we decided not to stay.  So, it was home for lunch and then a great phone call from Jared for our own Father's Day celebration.  My body was telling me it needed some rest and that was my own entertainment for most of the afternoon.  
I walked the garden and found evidence of mischief makers I missed this morning.  I'm naming racoons this time.  We need to borrow a racoon size have a heart trap from the neighbors.  Two of my really nice coralbells plants were ripped out of the ground.  Humm, not such a hot gardener is that racoon.  

I found a few Queen of the Prairie blooming.  What a sight that might have been before the prairie became something like wheat fields.

So today was a true day of rest.  I missed the Fever Game, but they won without me.  Bless their hearts! Tomorrow is an appointment with my diabetic doctor.  My numbers were horrible at our last meeting, having improved big time.  Dr. Baker never has a negative thing to say which is a bit embarrassing. Bad numbers happen because I'm not minding myself. It always is a come to Jesus moment and get with the program. I have a few questions for her and I know she will have answers for me.  

We're getting ready for some really hot days this week.  I think the garden will be just fine.  At some point there might be watering but we will hold off the fertilizer.  The burps made it to church.  Ginny has 99 and the 100th one is in Beth Galloways hands with the intention of taking it to the Green Team meeting. It is an example of recycling a Goodwill product into a mission project experience and sending the new product back to Goodwill babies.  
I may need to work with fleece this week if needing a diversion.  Come on Scan report.  


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