
 Another Sunday morning with quiet time on the patio with a cup of coffee.  And I had bird company. 

                        Wilma Woodpecker is back.  Woody is off on a hunting trip with his buddies. 

Two days of eating on one suet cake and then it's time for a new cake.  Those all-black birds are really little pigs in disguise..  The birds with red head are welcomed at any time. Downys included.
                                                                            Doug's favorite.

So many birds check-ins included the piliated woodpecker, the downy, then the blue bird and hard to believe the oriole. Since the black sunflower seed is gone most of the sparrows seem to have moved on.  It's that flash of orange that says get up off your chair and check me out.  What a beautiful sight to see the orange color so clearly against the tall pine tree flitting here and there, never once at the jelly or juice but just being beautiful among the green branches.  I haven't seen Mr. O for at least 10 days but feel so fortunate to be out and about when he drops in for a second or two. Wilma and Willy piliated visited again in the afternoon with baby loving the suet that Mom provided. 

                                                Wilma and Willy during an afternoon visit.

I took several pictures but was never able to get both of them to look at the camera at the same time.  Mom is on the left.

By 10 we were off to church with a mended green candle ready to work again among the candles of many colors that signify welcome to the gay and lesbian community found at the altar. It's part of our June celebration.  I gathered some flowers for the welcome table and then moved them on to Mary McDonald after church.  Amy preached a great sermon with the accompanying liturgy supporting her theme. 

A wide view of the day lily bed.  In another few weeks the Mexican Sunflowers should be tall and beautiful.  Hibiscus should be blooming along with the Cup plant.  Next year there should be a wonderful drift of biannual holly hocks blooming behind the lilies.  When most are finished blooming the black eyed Susan's will get their blooming time. 

I met with Heidi solving some visual problems.  A date for decorating for the rest of the summer needs to be made.  The early Sunday church service for July and August will be in the chapel and a few            visual things needed to be decided for that space.  

Such a soft delicate lavender color.  It's the first  Benary to bloom.  I think it's gorgeous. 

The afternoon was slow and easy with naps and walks in the garden snapping pictures. Four O'clock brought another womans basketball game with   Katilin Clark playing in Chicago.  

                The first Rose of Sharon.  I think this is also related to Holly Hocks and Hibiscus.                                                                                 Can anyone tell me for sure. 

I found some flowers blooming for the first time and the Benary zinnias planted just two days ago were showing a little green already.  It's that good heat with several drinks of water over those two days that really convinced those seeds to boogie out of their shells.  This should be fun to watch.  I'm excited. 

This week could be busy if I got to it!  A new runner for the chapel altar.  Shortening two new pair of pants for Doug.  Putting together some burps now that I have fabric.  Checking on the garden.  And who knows what the next few days will bring.  I'll call them surprises when they arrive.

This hydrangea  was one of those you buy in the grocery store and then never does much of anything.  I kept letting it live at least for15 years or more years with never seeing very much come from it being planted in a safe place never making any trouble.  This year it has one beautiful bloom half of it blue and the other with a little purple tint. It's beautiful even if there is only one flower. Hope brought that to me.

This amuses me.  I saved seed from last year's little zinnias.  I planted them along a pathway again this year and so far, what is blooming is pink.  I'm wondering if the pink seeds were the only viable seeds.  We'll see.  So far the number is three.  There are about 12 more to surprise me. 

Surprise us oh God by your power and your love.  That was part of a prayer that our Sr. minister of years ago, Richard Hamilton prayed at the beginning of the Gulf War. That complete prayer was put to music by Louie Chenette, another member on the music staff at Butler University and a North member.  Those words are still with me after singing it years and years ago.

Wishing you all a wonderful week of surprises.  LR


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