
 Today's pictures are what one sees in the garden.  I hope you find some amusing moments. I try to keep things a little loosey goosey.  It helps alot.

                                A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Today started with a cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer on the patio watching the birds.  It was an unusually quiet song this morning.  Then I began to see things.  The bird bath was almost empty of water.  There was a lot of bird seed in some unusual places.  Clues said there was a party last night and once again we were not invited.  I think the party involved deer mischief, so the blower came out to clean up the party mess. Along with the suet I am recommending that all the sunflower feeders spend the night in the dining room.  I'm trying to make life a little easier with no toy play for the deer.  

                                                                                Babies Breath

I noticed bad stuff in the hummingbird feeders...BLACK ANTS.  The ant guard needed water.  Another job completed with new juice for the hummingbirds.  I filled the feeders the deer played with and then took another seat on the patio to watch the birds.  

                         Bears Breeches This gardener bear was a gift from Eric and Kat years ago.

I saw the mother B.Bird leave the house and I thought pictures!  And that house has had some excitement this morning.  It's a good thing that McAlister's got more meal worms delivered.  There are more mouths to feed. 

            Lambs Ears...Mary is long gone and I don't know when she will be back. Just the ears are left.

The wren house seems to have been abandoned.  It has a crooked tilt to it with no sign of mom or dad.  And yes the deer messed with that about a week ago with the parents returning to the house after that.  This time...not so sure that will happen.  Nature has it's up and down times.

                                        It's the shooter for the Giant playing marbles with Jack. 

Doug did some burning of trimmings from the smoke tree.  It's showing its age fitting in with this family. There was a trip to the woods mid-morning with a chipmunk.  The baby squirrel made its appearance while I was coffee drinking.  Doug reported that he saw 3 babies chasing each other.  

        Mother Goose is a bit embarrassed.  Something happened when she was painting her nails pink.

After lunch we made a trip to two Goodwills looking for flannel sheets.  Nary a one but Doug spotted something we couldn't resist.  That's all I can say because Jared reads the blog. I was really happy to be home again with a body that wanted to rest needing to fill the energy tank once again. 

                An Apple a Day keeps the doctor away.  I should have eaten a bushel of them by now.

Home for a little bit and then a trip to Cabela's for pants for Doug.  We bought his second choice the first being nowhere.  After looking on line we found what is his first choice so we'll be ordering that through Amazon.  It was nice to see another part of the neighborhood but again I was glad to get home.  Another good salad supper inside.  The birds have taken over with the swimming pool being opened. 

                                        It's 4 O'clock and the flower forgot to show up.  Darn!

Did you notice that the sewing machine was quiet today.  All in good time. Now for some other pictures taken this morning.

                                                    Babies, babies of another kind.

                                Hard to see but this baby squirrel is about the size of a chipmunk..

                                It's the same little squirrel sitting in the morning shade of the tree. 



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