
 Is that all true?  (Wed. response) I should believe that a monk, father, brother-in-law, uncle wouldn't lead me astray.  And I'm so indebted to you for taking time to find all that godly information about creature groups. I challenge you to use your research in one of your homilies.  Well, I had a good laugh about that stuff. You sound just like Uncle Dee. How strange is that, Father Cassian. Now I'm going to see how I can use what I read somehow in conversations with friends.  You are the best!  Question...what is a group of monks called?  Monastery is a wrong answer.

                                Jared's Minardi.  He has a great compost pile of good stuff.   


                        My Minardi.  I need some compost or maybe a move into all sun.  Maybe both.  

                                                    Finally, an unknown butterfly of some size.  

So, it's another hot Thursday all day.  Well, most of the day.  I walked the garden this morning with the scissors.  I snipped and clipped where needed.  The Roma tomato plant looked like an afro.  So that took a few snips and I found tomatoes.  Woo...that was a surprise.  The transplants are doing great, and all is right with the world, well garden.


                                                                  Their shape says Roma
I've moved a few things in the house, and I found surprise monster dust bunnies or something like that, so I did some dusting and for now the bedroom looks fitting again for sleep.  

We hosted a chipmunk and later in the evening a little squirrel. We provided temporary hotel rooms. I took a ride with Doug to the woods where other passed guests would be waiting.  Since the seizure took my driving privileges away, I'll go for any ride I can get no matter how short or long or whatever the destination.  

                            An Early Girl tomato starting to change her green color.  Something's up. 

There's been some TV watching, bird watching from the kitchen and a nap here and there.  The last two nights have been a flop when thinking of sleep.  So, daytime sleep has come in handy. 


            On one of my late afternoon trips to the kitchen, Mrs. Big was sucking away on the suet.                After supper there were two in the tree providing entertainment. My guess is that it's mom and kiddo.                                                        The hotel is open for business and so is the pool.

I got an official phone call from the cancer doctor who is on this journey with me with the message that the bone scan was inconclusive so we're officially on to a pet scan.  If the doctor is happy, we're all happy. You have heard that about momma.  If the doctor isn't then there is more to do.  The time is to be determined.  The calendar is open and I'm anticipating that it's soon. I have a feeling we'll never find the needle.  And the time has been determined.  July 12 at I U North.  I'll call it a one day early birthday gift.  I might be getting a little crazy. Insurance is giving me the most expensive gift I have ever gotten for a birthday.

The B Birds are busy with family, and all seems to be going as it should. I think it's those Georgia pine needle nesting material that has made all the difference in temperament.  

                    This was a Wednesday evening picture.  I guess it takes a while to look like a bird.


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