
 As the summer days go by, they seem to go faster as each week comes to an end.  It's Thursday already.  

                                                The marigolds are beginning to shine.

Today was finish the green runner for the Chapel altar day.  So the sewing machine was busy early doing its thing.  And with a good pressing I can say done even though I didn't bake it.  Doug's mother taught me to say finished.  Done is when you bake something.  It's done.  Ready to eat.  

Saturday morning I'll get this to church along with something for the sanctuary altar area.  I love it when I can share garden things with the church family, honoring the God who makes it all possible. 

Done was the salad tonight with garden tomatoes, lots of bacon and some lettuce with a mayonnaise dressing.  

                                                                            Yum, yum.

We made a run to the library and I have a plethora of gardening books that should entertain me for a while.  

Speaking of gardening, this morning the lily's got their beauty treatment.  There were a few bedraggled flowers needing to take a hike.  I've given up on a couple of zinnias still affected by the lawn guy spray so I pulled them.  The newbees now about an inch high will take their place. I took out some other things making more space available when transplanting time comes along. 

                                                      Woo Hoo.  More spaces to fill.  Zinnas! 

Doug made a decision to buy his birthday present early so off to Ace Hardware he went.  

The broken branch in the HUGE Maple tree on the north side of the house got his attention.  I would say he was entertained for the afternoon.  There will be more sawing moments with the Burning Bush and the Snoke Tree that has been trying to die for a couple of years.  We will take advantage of Jared's visit with bigger stuff that needs to be eliminated.  

He went at it like he knew what he was doing but not proving to me that he did.  New toys are so much fun but can be dangerous.  He still has all his fingers and toes.  He got bailed out a couple of times. There is always a learning curve. 

A huge hole for the sun to come through after the branch split off the tree.  We may see grass growing here again although all the in the shade plants now on the north side of the house may need to make an adjustment.  There will be sun for at least three hours now where there was total shade.  We'll see how that goes.

                                     Sweet gentle zinnias with such pretty shades of color.

Beth stopped by with some flannel shirts she needed to move.  They could be burps but they are such nice shirts that I think I'll ware them for a while before burps come along.  She is such a giver.  Thanks Beth. 

                                        This just gets prettier and prettier as the days go by. 

There is more to do in the garden now that the church sewing projects are finished.  Tomorrow should be a day at home.  I'll be busy there.   


  1. He bought his birthday present early on July 27th . . . am I losing my mind? I though his birthday was July 26 because I was intending to send an e-mail wishing him a happy birthday. Now I'm glad I didn't -- oh oh oh - this is still June, isn't it?So what I just wrote makes no real sense, does it? I will leave this message in all humility as a sign of what my future may hold. Oh, oh, oh.


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