
 Nice quiet morning watching the entertainment.  There wasn't very much.  The lilies got their fix and a little dead heading went on.  Some of the milkweed got trimmed back.  I read that Monarch like to lay their eggs on young leaves.  I would say ours are old having appeared in early May. When trimmed back new leaves will emerge.  The number of caterpillars has been zero with the exception of the one that died.  Another good think about trimming is that I can see everything that's there.  Nothing is covered up.  

            These little dianthuses have been around for a long time this year.  They just keep on giving.

I filled some vases with fresh flowers knowing that if I cut, more will be forced to appear.  

`````Becky Daisy, Benary Zinnias, Oats Grass in a Dennis vase with matching Lake Superior rocks.  

I got started with altar cloth making which meant that we made a trip to Zionsville to the needlework shop for some gold ribbon that will be added to the green runner.  Doug got a chance to parallel park on a skinny Zionsville street.  Everything is little in the old part of Zionsville. Parking is crazy.  There is a new parking lot at the south end of the village street.  Our shop was at the north end. Then we went on to JoAnn's to get a washable pen.  It should help me to sew straight. 

         Long and hard to handle, is the name of the game.  One needs to think ahead to make it work. 

Back home again for lunch.  The excuses to loaf just didn't work so I got busy with the sewing machine job that needed to happen.  The Communion cloth for the chapel is finished.  37 inches wide and 8 feet long ready for the first Sunday in July.  

A few years ago while cleaning out some spaces in the parlor kitchen, I found a box of 8 ft. tablecloths.  Well, one is now an altar communion cloth.  Reuse and recycle is the theme.  It works. 

The heavy green altar cloth is in progress but will take more time.  It's 18 inches wide and 11 ft. long.  Long pieces of fabric just are not easy to handle.  It's measuring and cutting and sewing and pressing and then measuring and on and on.  I think the tough stuff has been completed.  There will be marking and stitching and then more of the same related to embellishments with Greek gold crosses.   I have two weeks to complete this one but for some reason I like to feel finished before I really am. 

The Starlings have been obnoxious.  This morning one was in the have a heart trap just having a tizzy.  I had very dark feeling about that bird, but I released him to live another day.  I'm not good at wringing necks. This afternoon two food trucks left the premises. I suspect they will be back some time tonight.  

                                                      Empty! No food trucks in the parking lot.

Doug made a medicine run to the drugstore for me.  The energy bank needs refilling, so he made the run without me.  I've been able to get the Mounjaro which was in short supply when it was first prescribed.  It still might be in some places.  Lilly has stepped up manufacturing the product, so says my doctor. 

Supper was another salad with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, basil, parsley and chives from the garden with a little lettuse and cauliflower from Aldi's.  

It sure looks like rain is on the way, but the radar says it's going to melt away before it gets here.  There will be some TV tonight and maybe a little sewing.  But then maybe not.  There is always tomorrow.  My back is sending me needles.  It will be the chair.  


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