
 Up early with moving the suet out to its hook.  We take it in every night to avoid whatever critter comes to visit for the party.  The Flicker was waiting. The patio indicated that putting the seed away for a while was a good decision. I walked the garden realizing that those who moved yesterday were in great shape. The nasturtiums told me that it was bloom buster time fertilizer.  They have had enough nitrogen.  It's time for flowers. 

                       Flowers needed.  Come on and drink today's cool aide. I call it flower power.

Breakfast happened and a flash of orange was seen at the feeder.  That means Mr. Oriole was stopping by for his morning meal of jelly.  Yeah!!!  I'll cheer for this pair any time day or night, Sunday through Saturday. I'm happy to have two even if Jared has a gaggle. OOPS again...Flock I think is the word. Does gaggle go with ducks.  

Today promises to be hot.  All the fans are in place and I'm ready for a little heat.  The early morning joggers were out along with the dog walkers.  It's pretty quiet during the day but then the evening folks come out again. A trip to the drugstore will happen in the evening when it is a bit cooler


The morning got in gear with a sew of 12 fleece burps.  I'm back in the saddle again song is running through my mind. 

I walked the garden finding more volunteer calendula starts. Little did I know they would be so prolific.  I'll let them get a little bigger and then find a place for them.  

                         There is a bright little calendula baby hiding among the ornamental strawberries.

Eric stopped by to "check on the elderly".  Seems phone calls come from Michigan with the same words heard.  It's a shock to think it's us in that group of folks when one doesn't feel like a member. I sent him home with a Big Bertha pepper.   Another attempt to get a call back from Dr. Schneider was made.  It hasn't happened yet and I'm not worried.  I'm really thinking the office is closed for vacations.  I got my last call from Alecia who has been checking on me since the seizure hospitalization.  She certainly has a way of putting one at ease.  I'll miss her calls, but she should be spending time with those who need her more than I do.  

                       Here comes the Mullin on the way to being quite impressive in the Garden. 

I ran the sweeper this afternoon with the hope that the bird seed will end being a part of the dining room floor.  The patio is cleaner since the feeders are stashed in the garage. The dining room floor should stay cleaner.  Maybe not entirely clean but cleaner.  That's good enough for me. 

                                                    More daylilies on the way to make a statement.

Another delicious salad supper in the kitchen.  The birds got another birdbath full of water.  The Piliated stopped by.  It amuses me that along with the bird comes a huge announcement saying I'm here. There is never a quiet approach.  The peanut container and finch feeder has been filled again. More grape jelly and meal worms is at the bird restaurant. I cut some flowers for the table and once again the transplants made it through the day.  

                          Those babies must be getting bigger.  They are eating a hand full a day.

                                There promises to be many Becky Daisies in many places.  


  1. a gaggle of geese (a skein when in flight), a paddling of ducks, a convocation of eagles, a cete of badgers, a plague of locusts, an aggregation of manatees, a mustering of storks, a lamentation of swans, a wisdom of wombats, a descent of woodpeckers - - - isn't Google wonderful?


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