
 This is sewing day.  And that's what I did.  To be more specific, hand sewing day.  But as usual the day started with a little TV news, an egg and some coffee.  I walked the garden and had a look again at all the plants.  Every one was looking their best.  That is everyone but the trio of hummingbird feeders.  I would guess a racoon decided to climb the pole with one of the feeds on the ground, another one missing the bottom part and the third one a little bent.  Thank goodness the other pole has a baffle making the pole unclimbable. The peanuts and suet were in the house.     

                                       I didn't clean up the lily's this morning.  Not hard to tell.

I feed the birds once again moving the food trucks into place.  I believe the Starlings know before I do what is on the agenda for the day.  And they appeared like clock work to hang around eating again.  So the trucks once again went back into their garage.  I've heard that a few days without easy food and they will move on to better territory.  We'll see.  I'm willing to give it a try. 

                                                                        A garden path.

I started the hand work on the green runner for the chapel altar.  And after guessing how much gold ribbon I needed I finished with about a foot left on one spool with the other spool emptied completely.  When there is just enough I always say it's a Doris Douglas moment.  Two spools were a pure guess.  

I took a welcomed break to visit with neighbors James and Rachel.  James is around 2 now and such a sweet little boy having moved from being a baby to boy faster than I could have imagined.

  His interest this morning were rocks moving them to the Holly Hock leaves and watching them fall off.  I think there was some sort of experiment going on.  Rachel took home some Nigella seed pods.  They are so interesting right now. 

 While Rachel was here I opened the Blue Bird house and took a picture.  No more big eyes and no cloths.  It's blue feathers.  This is the last look we'll have on these babies.  More openings will encourage early fledging.  We don't want that to happen. 

                                            I see a head or two.  It reminds me of where's Waldo.

Then it was back to hand sewing which had its challenges because the green fabric is a challenge for the needle.  Strong hands helped to pull that gold ribbon with finishing the job in the afternoon.  There are a few other things that could happen with the altar piece and letting it settle in my mind will determine what comes next.  There will be something but I suspect it will be sewing machine work and not hand work next.  Then we'll see what else is needed.  Projects like this just continue to "talk" to me.  At some point I say...YOU are finished. 

A good year for the cone flowers.  I've never had a great year.  Last year a bad black beetle kept cutting the flowers off.  Haven't had that problem this year.  

Supper was a pizza from the freezer.  I'm waiting on that trip for bacon.  Tomorrow I'm looking forward to the library with a grocery stop for BACON.  

A great rain came during the afternoon hour and when checking the garden again a snapdragon after falling needed a little help getting up.  It was muttering I've fallen and I can't get up!

`                            Eventually her neck will repair itself and she'll be standing straight again.


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