
 The morning started with breakfast and then Hoke drove me to church for a morning with the crew.  July is here demanding a change in scenery for the sanctuary, narthex and west entrance.  And the five of us got it finished by 11.  

We'll let it all be until September when we'll bring out the green season just everywhere.  It's green now but in limited ways.  The crew knew what needed to be changed so they sort of guided themselves.  That's a good thing.  There were ribbons to roll for use next year. Fabric to roll until next year and then new things to hang.  

                       A Doris Douglas pulpit hanging we don't see often.  We have so many choices. 

Heidi and James brought me home with the intent to see the garden with flowers blooming.  We had a great visit. I sent them home with a cucumber, pepper and tomato.  James grew up on a farm and he still enjoys the outdoors.  Both James a doctor and Heidi a physicians assistant took care of me at church when I had my seizure.  We work together on our community meal making two Saturdays a month. It pays to have friends like the Hortons!!!!

                            Our back yard maple tree is taking a beating.  The Piliated found it.                                                                              Some things you win, some you loose  

The afternoon was a sleepy afternoon.  A morning like today just takes so much energy so sleep was welcomed.  The garden got a little attention where needed.  It didn't need much.  Thanks for little needs.  The newest little zinnias got some good stuff to drink.  They need to stretch their legs. 

                                        Some of Doug's woodpiles.  He plans to burn tomorrow. 

Another fresh salad with cucumbers and peppers added. The tomato is for tomorrows meal.  I'm thinking bacon and mayonnaise.  

A sweet little perennial geranium on it's second time around bloom.  There are just a few but so pretty.

After supper we did another drugstore run.  My supply of anti itch stuff was gone so more was needed for those nom seeums.  They are terrible this year. I am full of bumps and itch.  If I could just stay inside it might be one of the solutions but of course I can't.  


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