
 Today started slow and steady.  The new zinnia plant this past weekend saw that everyone was in attendance.  I was bugged about two of the plants being in the wrong place and needing a switch to correct the problem.  Early in the season two zinnia plants emerged and I thought I had planted State Fairs.  They are in the tall family.  The more I looked at them growing told me that they were not what I thought they were.  The leaf shape mimicked the tiny little path lined zinnia.  From tall to small so today was the day to make a couple of trades in planting spots. 

The zinnia had no trouble with the move.  Tought little plant again showing it's stuff. 

The Calendula or sometimes called Pot Marigold plant had a lot of trouble with the move but with another drink tonight and a good sleep, there will be improvement, I am sure.  I think that's the end of any changes in this flower bed.  Now bring on the butterflies.  They are AWOL at this point.

The afternoon brought another change.  A couple of years ago I bought two hybiscus plants at Lowes.  Not knowing how big they would get Big Red was planted in the wrong place.  By the end of summer the sprowl took him over the stepping stone walkway.  So it was either move the plant or the walkway.  Today, the fix came.  The walkway got a little move to the side.  2024 will see if I got it right. 

Good old Gorgia pine needles surround the stone now where Creeping Jenny once was.  She'll be back eventually.  I learned today that staying hydrated makes work a little easier.  Something not to forget. 

I'm still finding volunteer plants emerging.  Today I found a Bear's Breeches, False Indigo, and another cleome.  There's a new Smoke Tree growing along with a few more things. 

I took most of the afternoon off after the pine needles were laid drinking water and sleeping again.  Last night was a short night.  Bummer, bummer.  But I am happy to have time for the make up!  

                                                                No bacon tonight.

And once again, a salad for supper on the patio.  And the two movies got a special drink.  It's evening TV time.  I'm ready for the chair. 


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