

                                                Just stunning. How can I keep from singing.

True to the routine, I was up and doing what I usually do by walking the garden checking to see if there were any parties last night.  Nope, nothing new happened except plants never sleep so some were a little farther along in their journey and it showed.  I'm thinking day lilies for one. Remember Miss Calendula who went through a move yesterday.  Well, here she is, standing a little taller and ready to take her place.  She got another drink this morning.  Hydration is good for plants as well as people. That's one thing I remembered later in the morning. 


None the worse for her move and ready to get on with it.  That's what a quiet night will gift plants. 

I saw Peter out sniffing the grass.  My hope is that the red beets being a little older have turned him off. 

All the attention to annual planting has taken time away from the perennial bed to the north of the patio.  I worked on improving space on one path yesterday and decided that now was the time to get busy on another area close by.  I've ignored it and the more that happened the less I wanted to be in that area.  So, time for a change.  I dug out a ton, not quite of violets.  That made a huge change.  Then the steppingstones to the bench was discovered again.  

Creeping Jenny certainly must have a blast covering that all up.  And my gardening bear took her seat on the bench resting after a morning of work.  Uncovering the path helped that to happen.

A few trips to the street to give more greenery to the 3 big blues waiting this morning, finished the job. My little bear friend looks so comfortable. I think she could have worked harder. The clouds rolled in and then right back out.  No rain today. It certainly was a teaser.

Doug spent more time cleaning up the tree mess.  His load went to the burn pile.  There is a little more waiting for the ride and then the big stuff still needing attention, waits for the Michigan family.  Tree limbs are heavy.

One of the flowerbeds is a little boring so I transplanted a few babies after the bed north of the patio looked acceptable.  The baby plants are in the bed of ornamental strawberries that are resting till next year.  I'm looking for some action and the transplants should provide that eventually. 

It was lunch time and the same thing happened after lunch that happened yesterday.  NAP time.  Woo, the energy needed to be replaced.  I I phoned Facebooked my favorite thing to watch and that is an ALL ABOUT farming in Nebraska. Learning about a year of work on this particular farm is so interesting. John Deere is certainly a helper.  I don't know how many acres are worked but one corn field was 3/4 of a mile long.  There are many fields.  

I've been meaning to make the filling for chicken potpies but once again I'm pushing that to Thursdays.  The chicken is thawed and waiting.  Tomorrow is the deadline.  Tonight it was another salad supper with crackers and cheese.  A great summer treat even better when eating outside.  I'm thinking camping at the end of July.  U P here we come arriving July 22 and leaving July 31 or maybe 30.  We'll see.  


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